Big Brother 25: Counting The Votes In Week 4 [Poll]

Another Big Brother 25, another week of flip-flopping. This is really a running theme with this season.

Jag and Blue remain on the block this week with Jag as Head of Household Cameron’s target. But once again, much of the house doesn’t want to follow the HOH’s wishes. So they talk about going against it, but go back to the initial plan. And then go back to the alternate plan. And then back to the initial plan. You get the picture.

This week, Cirie and Izzy decided at one point they needed to keep Jag because there’s no reason for them to give Cameron and Red what they want when they expect they’ll be targeting their group as soon as next week. But Jared doesn’t want his showmance Blue to go anywhere. And so the flip-flopping begins.

Cirie and Izzy have at this point landed on letting Jag go so they can keep Cameron happy in case he has any influence on the next HOH. But now America and Cory really want to keep Jag, but the votes probably won’t be there without Cirie, Izzy and Felicia on board. I’m sure they’ll just stick to the initial plan and vote Jag out, since that’s how they’ve finished each week despite all the flip-flopping.

And we can’t forget that someone has that power that could change the whole eviction. I don’t expect it to be used this week, unless Jag has the power, but you never know.

So let’s take a look at the possible scenarios.

If houseguests stick to the initial plan:

Votes to evict Jag: Jared, Cirie, Izzy, Felicia, Red, Bowie, Mecole, Cory, America, Matt

Votes to evict Blue: None.

If there’s a flip:

Votes to evict Jag: Bowie, Red, Jared (he probably won’t vote against Blue even if he knows there’s a flip)

Votes to evict Blue: Cory, America, Izzy, Cirie, Felicia, Mecole, Matt

I think we can expect the first scenario, but here’s to hoping we get an existing eviction or blindside at some point! Who do you think will be evicted this week? Let us know in our poll below.


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