Big Brother 25: Will Blue Wreck Jag’s Plans Again?

Blue Kim needs another Veto on Big Brother - CBS

Update: Results are in! Find out who won the Veto in Week 12 and what it means for the target on Blue.

Another week of Big Brother, another shot at taking out Blue Kim. And once again, Jag Bain‘s plans to target his formerly close ally all hang in the balance of the Power of Veto competition coming up today. Let’s see if he can make his wish come true this time around.

In Week 11 we saw Jag send Blue to the Block out of concerns she’d be turning on him, but when she won the second random number guess Veto that plan was out the window. Jag pivoted quickly and suddenly made Cory and America his targets. Now if he had been serious about regretting turning on Blue then this week we should expect him to not target her again, right? Nope!

So here we are again. Blue is back to being Jag’s target. He didn’t want to mess around with a Backdoor attempt with just one HG excluded from the comp and we all know Cirie would be that one exclusion. Sure enough, everyone but Cirie was picked to play in this week’s Veto!

The big question now while we wait for the Veto spoilers is whether or not Blue will pull off the win. If she does then obviously she’s safe and Felicia goes up in her spot. No way Blue is foolish enough to win the Veto and not use it, that’d just be beyond pointless. So she’ll be down and the vote will be between America and Felicia. America is out of allies and in that match up she’ll be off to join the Jury and make Cameron the third wheel again.

How hard Blue competes for this Veto win could be determined by how in-danger she believes her game to be. Right now she feels very comfortable with her position on the Block. Blue told HGs that this is the best week to be on the Block with America there, only behind when someone could have joined Cameron on the Block (say Hi, Hisam!). But look back at last week and you’ll see that Blue plays hard. I’m thinking Blue couldn’t have been that scared but instead she held onto that rope and disc challenge for over two hours!

Blue Kim on Big Brother 25 - CBS
Blue Kim on Big Brother 25 – CBS

I’m not discounting Blue’s efforts here and think she has a solid shot at winning this Veto. It’s no sweat off her back if she does win, as Blue could see it from Jag assuring her safety this week. Someone else would simply play the pawn position against America instead of Blue and why would it matter if she weren’t the target, right?

As of the time the HGs headed into the Veto comp (Feeds cut Saturday 10:37AM BBT) Blue didn’t seem to suspect an alternate plan in the works. We’ll know in the next few hours whether or not she’s pulled up a secret upset here against Jag yet again.

Jag Bains as HOH on Big Brother - CBS
Jag Bains as HOH on Big Brother – CBS

What do you think will happen? Jag is the dominating player in the mix at today’s Veto, but the other HGs aren’t exactly slouches either. We shall soon see! Spoilers ahead as soon as the Feeds return.

Sunday’s Big Brother 25 episode airs at 10/9c with the latest HOH and Noms followed by Tuesday’s 8/7c episode with all of these Power of Veto events! Don’t miss Thursday’s upcoming Double Eviction live show at 9/8c!



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