‘Big Brother 24’ Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Ceremony Results – Updated

Big Brother Veto medallion back in the box

The latest Power of Veto meeting for Big Brother 24 has happened and now that the Feeds have returned, we’ve got a pretty good idea of what has taken place. The Big Brother house remains split between the two sides/festivals and we’ve had plenty of time to anticipate what would happen in each, even with the outdoor Feeds being effectively gone for a while now.

Note: These results have since been confirmed by the HGs as Feeds eventually returned for the outside group. We’ve also heard the indoor HGs discuss the final noms for the week. Everything is now settled.

Once we knew Brittany had won the Veto, basically securing the HOH’s plan, and then Terrance doing the same for his own nominations it seemed the obvious outcome would be for everything to hold tight as they were. Of course, it could have been a chance for a BD, but Michael already had both his options in place and for Terrance, well it seemed like Kyle had sunk his claws in pretty deep by flipping on the Leftovers and telling Terrance everything he could share.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 7

  • Brittany decided to NOT use the Power of Veto
  • Monte and Jasmine are this week’s final noms for BroChella
  • Terrance decided to USE the Power of Veto
  • Turner was saved & Kyle was renom’d
  • Joseph & Kyle are this week’s final noms for Dyre Fest

Update: So now we’ve got the Dyre Fest results confirmed thanks to the Feeds finally. It’s likely Terrance is trying to cover Kyle’s betrayal by putting him on the Block. Even if Turner tries to vote out Kyle then Alyssa still creates the tie by voting out Joseph. The tiebreaker would go to Terrance and, from what we heard before the Feeds blackout, he will vote out Joseph. Then Kyle goes back to the merge with a reasonable story, but I don’t expect the other side to believe he wasn’t in on the execution.

It’s going to be a long few days of these dead Feeds while we wait for Thursday’s eviction. Inside the Big Brother house, with the Big BroChella group, the houseguests’ plan to vote Jasmine out is moving full speed ahead. Jasmine is still convinced that she is the pawn this week and Monte is Michael’s target but she has noticed that Monte is feeling a little too comfortable while sitting on the block. We will see over the next few days if she starts to spiral, but the other HGs are doing a pretty good job at reassuring her this week.

Meanwhile, we haven’t seen anything from the backyard feeds since Saturday night’s wall-yeller situation. Prior to their Feeds cutting, the plan was for Terrance to not use the Veto and keep the nominations the same keeping Joseph on the block with Turner with Joseph being the target. However, as we know, anything could have happened since the feeds were cut. We will update this post with the Veto Ceremony results for Dyre Fest if and when they are available for us.

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