Big Brother 24 Spoilers: Week 3 Veto Competition Results

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The latest Power of Veto spoilers for Big Brother 24 are in from the Live Feeds and here are your results. Read on for this week’s PoV spoilers!

“But First,” today has been an interesting lead-in to the comp with LOTS of discussions going on from early morning and that may shifting the plans here. As the sun got ready to rise yet another alliance emerged in the HOA room with “The Pound” featuring Joseph, Monte, Kyle, and Turner. This group started to realize that maybe Taylor was telling the truth and the guys were being targeted. Oh, and maybe Ameerah was more dangerous to their games than they realized. Sooo, new target now with Ameerah in the danger zone.

The new plan needed to keep Nicole and Taylor out of the competition, so naturally, when the time came to pull just one chip it went to Nicole & Taylor. Oops. Anyway, the plan remains the same and The Pound is trying to get the Veto into their control to use on the current Noms so they can get Ameerah and Terrance (Besties pair) on the Block and Ameerah out the door. Well that’s a big shift, but did it work out?

Player picks included Nicole and Taylor picked as a Besties pair along with Turner as HOH and his “Bestie” Jasmine if she physically can, and then the Noms Brittany and Michael. And the winner is…

Big Brother 24 Spoilers: Week 3 Veto Competition Results:

  • Michael/Brittany won the Power of Veto

Sounds like Jasmine couldn’t play so neither could Turner. It was a paired performance. So that means it was Nicole+Taylor against Michael+Brittany.

Well so now the plan can be back on track. Michael will save himself plus Brittany then Turner can do the renom of Ameerah and Terrance. Will this new plan hold and Ameerah goes out the door or it could flip over to Terrance if the votes rally to keep her. Or maybe we don’t even get that pair on the Block! With this crowd it’s hard to be sure what they’ll do next.

Who do you want out the door this week? Share your pick below.

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