Big Brother 24 Spoilers: Week 3 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother 24

Big Brother Spoilers are in for who was sent to the Block in Week 3 of BB24 as the game enters a new phase with the Besties Twist to mix things up. There’s a new HOH in charge after the late night results came in and set us up with basically a pair of HOHs and pairs will be the theme for a while here and that’s sure to put a dent in any hopes for a strategic start to the season.

Everything is going to be done in pairs as the HOH’s pairing gets safety. The noms come in pairs, the veto saves in pairs, and the renoms, well you get the idea. So the first pair to feel the pain this week is…

Big Brother 24 Week 3 Nominations:

  • Turner nominated: Brittany & Michael

Brittany is plan B here with Taylor once again being the target. HGs are pushing for Taylor out and she’ll be the renom target with her pairing of Nicole. Nicole says this was all part of her plan when she picked Taylor. What is it this season with HGs putting their games on the line to go after Taylor? Sheesh.

Coming up we’ve got the Power of Veto competition on Saturday and then Monday for the Veto Meeting. Sunday at 8/7c we’ll get the mega 2-hour episode featuring the eviction we missed plus the endurance HOH comp along with these nominations.

What do you think of these picks? Were these the right choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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