Adam Poch’s Big Brother 24 Player Rankings – Week 11

Adam Poch from Big Brother

The end is near!! The Big Brother 24 season that has given us so many storylines, both game & personal, is just days away from crowning a champion. There are still 3 competitions and a $750K decision to be made.

BUT FIRST – let’s take a look at the Final 4 – and how they fared this week in Big Brother.

Monte – 5 strips of Bacon – this is strictly based on his gameplay, not on his ability to handle a relationship/showmance. The Final 4 Veto is the most important Veto (duh!) – but the decision to vote out someone could be the difference in winning or losing it all. Monte has spent the entire season schmoozing, wooing, whatevering to get himself to this position. The other 2 people that will be in the Final 3 with him both SHOULD be taking him to the Final 2. At that point, he needs to convince 5 people to vote for him. The tricky part for him will be if he wins the F3 HoH. He may need that win to boost his resume, but the person he votes out will most likely be so hurt, he loses their vote.

Taylor – 4 strips of Bacon – Taylor secured her place in the Final 3 by winning her 2nd HoH. After surviving the block on eviction night – for the 5th time this season – she handled the split vote “chaos” very well. Her nominations were pretty easy – put the 2 voters up & let them fight for their lives. She thinks she needs to win the final HoH to take home the victory – but as we have seen, she has a great chance to win against either of the 2 guys left in the house. But in her eyes – she wanted to be sitting next to Brittany to give her a better chance. She tried to get Monte to change his mind, but did not overplay it to upset him. Yeah yeah yeah – we all know there was a lot of breakup/makeup conversations throughout the week, but that never changed their Final 2 deal. How far she’s come this season from the potential week 1 evictee to final 3 participant with a great chance of taking home the title.

Turner – 1 strip of Bacon – this week Turner was unable to earn his ticket to the Final 3 by winning either of the 2 competitions – but he will earn his spot based on loyalty to Monte for most of the season. He has actually (IMO) played the best game the entire season. Now… when I say that, I am thinking like an old school BB / Survivor fan. You need to navigate your way through many different power shifts. Tonight will be the first time all season that he is on the block on eviction night – and only the 2nd time he was nominated this season. Even though he finally found out about how close Monte and Taylor have become, he still thinks Monte is going to take him to the F2. He may end up getting his wish if the 2 of them have another fight that they cannot come back from, but he has such a hard path to victory than he would have had he kept Alyssa last week.

That leaves our mopey friend Brittany as the Tofurkey of the Week. As soon as she lost the HoH, which she was not even close to getting the tie-breaker correct, she knew she had to win the Veto to get by. She blew that competition as well and has no one to blame but herself for likely going home tonight. She spent too much of the early part of the game not making the rounds to get to know others and pretty much attached herself to Michael. Once he left – she could not figure out a way to get people to work with her – things she should have worked out the first 3 weeks – not the last 3. She is going to get woooshed to the jury roundtable and we all want to see what happens when she sees Michael again. Sadly – Brittany had all the right ideas these last few weeks – but because no one trusted her, no one listened to her. Her own sloppy play is responsible for her getting cut at Final 4.

OK – that’s it for the week. Now comes the final 3 part HoH – starting tonight. Look for a fluffy episode tomorrow night filled with the highlights / lowlights of the season and then Sunday we can put a bow on BB24 and put it away and get back to our lives (already in progress).

I will have one more column on finale day, where I look back at my preseason predictions and rank myself – stay tuned for that!

From outside the Big Brother house – I am Adam Poch – thank you for reading!

Catch me here every week during the BB season for my rankings. If you want more of my thoughts during the season. follow me on Twitter @HeavyMetalTeddy – and listen to my Podcast – @BigBrothersPod.



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