Overnight on the Big Brother 24 Feeds, a new Final 3 formed, seemingly born out of convenience, and could be yet another push this season to nudge things just a little further down the line in these final weeks but yet again offering no sincerity in the long run.
Flashback on your Live Feeds to 3:20 AM BBT 9/11 on all cams as Taylor, Turner, and Monte hash out a new plan in the kitchen. There are just five HGs left and we’re heading into the Veto meeting that will decide whether Taylor or Turner will be hitting the Block. I know folks keep being optimistic that Monte will renom Turner then Taylor will surprise attack a betrayal to vote him out, but that is not going to happen this round.
So, with Taylor realizing her renom status is inevitable she’s likely looking to cover all her bases and that includes Turner making up one half of the two votes this round. Brittany should be solidly in Taylor’s corner and Monte would be too, but better to avoid a tiebreaker if you can, I suppose. Either way, Alyssa is out the door this Thursday and Taylor will be here for F4.
The discussion with Taylor this morning is to confirm that Turner will vote to keep her and after he assures her his support Taylor says okay, let’s do it. They’ll form a new Final 3 aimed to push themselves across the threshold and the competitive prowess of such challengers as Alyssa and Brittany… Okay.
They toss around a few names and Taylor comes up with Guys Girls, or Girls Guys, but definitely not Monte’s suggestion of “Two Guys One Girl.” They laugh at the idea of Julie having to read that alliance name during a live show.
Not long after, Taylor is talking to herself that she just signed up for third place with this little move. Yeah, I agree that in a passive role Taylor could be given the boot by both Monte and Turner but she doesn’t have to roll over and accept that. Taylor was going to stay either way so then in the next round if she or Brittany can win HOH or Veto then they can force the guys on the Block and send Turner out.
I’m not giving any weight or importance to this trio. Taylor knows Turner needs to go and I don’t think she’d pass up a sure thing to get him out next week. Guys Girls, Girls Guys, or whatever in between is a short-lived facade that the guys are probably hoping keeps Taylor loyal to their cause next week when they need her and nothing more. And just as this was a situation of convenience this week, I think we could see a new plan form in just a few more days.