The Big Brother 24 Houseguests spend most of the evening just chilling and speculating on what is going to happen with this Backstage pass twist. Many of them think that Pooch is going to have some kind of power to name one of the backstage pass players as a last-minute nominee.
There was also some more talk of Brittany being the likely next target since it got around the house that she told Pooch Ameerah was coming after him.Ā Other than that, everyone tried to keep up with Paloma’s seemingly manic conversations about the multiverse and new business patents and a woman’s right to having a “hoe phase.” She’s really going all over the place, and no one in the house seems concerned yet.
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Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights ā Tuesday, July 12, 2022:
3:13 PM BBT – Brittany is talking to Michael about the twist and how she could end up on the block. She says she doesn’t even know if there’s anything she could do with Pooch in case he has the power to put her up. Michael says there’s nothing she can tell Pooch because he’ll spread it. She agrees and says she doesn’t trust Pooch. She thinks if Taylor is still on the block and she somehow goes up next to her she’ll be fine. But she’s not sure if she would be fine if she went up next to Terrence.
3:15 PM BBT – Now Brittany wonders what would happen if it’s her against Paloma or Alyssa. She and Michael agree she might not have a shot at staying if she’s up against either of them. Michael says he just doesn’t know what the twist means. He says he knows she can’t be nominated, but Julie said one of the backstage pass people could go home.
3:18 PM BBT – Michael tells Brittany it would be incredible for her to win the next HOH. She said she would do what is best for the both of them. Michael says he thinks he would put up Turner and Pooch.
4:22 PM BBT – Taylor tells Brittany that if she isn’t here next week, Brittany and Michael should work with Terrance and Turner to make something happen.
4:24 PM BBT – Taylor says if she comes off the block she doesn’t want Brittany going up because Brittany would go home. She says Paloma or Alyssa needs to go up next to Terrance because one of them would go home over Terrance.
4:28 PM BBT – Brittany and Taylor agree this season feels like the cool kids vs the outcasts once again. Brittany said she thought Big Brother was done with that and that last season gave her so much hope.
4:50 PM BBT – Terrance tells Michael he wants to stick with the older people. Michael is 28, but that seems to be old enough for Terrance.
4:52 PM BBT – Michael and Terrance agree that some of the houseguests don’t talk to you, they talk at you.
4:57 PM BBT – Michael cam talks that he feels like he is in a better position than he was before. He says he know at least feels like he has options and that people are finally coming up to him about the game.
5:30 PM BBT – Joseph tells Kyle that he doesn’t want to win HOH because he doesn’t Ā want to have to send anyone home because he likes everyone right now.
6:38 PM BBT – Most HGs are hanging out in the HOH room. Paloma is talking about people going through their “hoe phase.”
6:43 PM BBT – Ameerah tells Nicole about Brittany telling Pooch that Ameerah wants him out. Ameerah says she thinks Brittany did that to try to gain trust with Pooch in case he has to name one of the backstage girls as a nominee.
7:05 PM BBT – Alyssa is worried about the twist. Daniel says maybe Pooch has an option to name one of them as a nominee, but it won’t be required. Paloma interrupts everyone with another really manic story and idea for some kind of new business patent.
8:20 PM BBT – Taylor says she is sorry she didn’t get to know the other women better.
8:58 PM BBT – Turner asks Jasmine who she wouldn’t want to see up. She says Alyssa and Ameerah. He asks her what she thinks about Michael and says that Michael and Terrance would be easy nominees next week since they were already up.
8:59 PM BBT – Jasmine said that she would think of Michael and Terrence first if she was HOH so she wouldn’t have to get any blood on her hands. She says she wouldn’t nominate Turner, Kyle or Nicole.
9:02 PM BBT – Turner keeps asking Jasmine who she’s close with and who she would target. He wants to know if she’s close with Brittany. She says she talks to her because they are in the same bedroom, but she thinks the house is leaning toward targeting Brittany next. Turner says Brittany and Michael.
9:05 PM BBT – Turner says Michael and Brittany are close so it would be easy to nominate both of them. Jasmine said the two of them can go back to back then.
9:08 PM BBT – Everyone is just hanging out, chit-chatting.
9:50 PM BBT – Daniel, Terrance, Nicole, and Ameerah are in the HOH room with discussion of a possible alliance among them.
10:40 PM BBT – Alyssa, Jasmine, Ameerah, and Indy discuss next targets/noms. Jasmine thinks Terrance and Brittany will go up next week. Jasmine think Kyle and Paloma are playing the game well.
10:50 PM BBT – Ameerah wants to get the strong players out now. Jasmine worries why the house wants to target the weaker players first though.
11:10 PM BBT – Pooch expresses concerns about Paloma’s behavior to Alyssa and asks if Paloma is okay.
11:15 PM BBT – Daniel tells Taylor she could win her way back in with a comp.
11:25 PM BBT – Indy talks with Alyssa about how quickly the other girls turned on Brittany and she doesn’t like it. She asks Alyssa to let her know if they’re talking about her and they can watch out for each other.
11:30 PM BBT – Brittany worries to Alyssa that people are not making eye contact with her and she knows what that means. Alyssa tells Brittany to work on Ameerah and Jasmine.
12:25 AM BBT – Nicole doesn’t like Joseph’s cocky attitude and plans to check him on it.
12:35 AM BBT – Alyssa worries about how things get twisted in the house and notes what happened to Taylor.
2:55 AM BBT – Turner talks with Pooch and suggests the next noms should be Brittany and Michael.
3:30 AM BBT – Terrance and Nicole are still up discussing their past marriages and relationships.
4:00 AM BBT – Lights out.
Still no shifts in the plans for Taylor’s eviction on Thursday but the HGs are still wondering what will happen with the Backstage twist and they don’t even know about the America’s Vote yet. We don’t even know what that vote will mean come Thursday either, so plenty more ahead to discover. Watch for a calm Wednesday as HGs relax before the storm of a new HOH and the potential for nomination.
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