Big Brother 24 Live Feeds Week 9: Monday Daytime Highlights

Monday brought on the Power of Veto Ceremony inside the Big Brother 24 house. After the Veto Ceremony took place, this week’s target started campaigning almost immediately to their fellow Big Brother houseguests. Find out what conversations took place between the BB24 houseguests before and after the Veto Ceremony right here!

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Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights – Monday, September 5, 2022:

9:15 AM BBT – HGs are waking up. Terrance is the only one up.

10:15 AM BBT – Most of the houseguests are still sleeping. Terrance is in the kitchen making coffee and getting something to eat.

11:17 AM BBT – Turner and Monte in the backyard talking. Turner says that Michael see Terrance as a direct treat to his game. Adds that Michael also doesn’t want to see another Big D situation with someone being dragged to the end. Monte says that Alyssa is a similar threat but she will get more votes from the jury than Terrance would.

11:20 AM BBT – Turner says that if Brittany wins HOH, she will likely pawn Alyssa and put one of them up next to her with a plan to BD Michael. Turner says worse case if one of them wins, they could feel out Michael and just take Alyssa out.

11:24 AM BBT – Feeds cut for Veto Ceremony.

12:17 PM BBT – Feeds return. Veto was not used Alyssa and Terrance remain on the block.

12:20 PM BBT – Michael, Turner, and Monte are meeting in the HOH room. Turner starts the conversation with the three of them being the biggest competitors in the house. He says that the best way for the three of them to make it is to work together.

12:25 PM BBT – They talk about how Brittany tried to propose a F2 with Turner the other night and Turner says that he doesn’t gain anything from that. He says he would much rather work with Michael. Monte says that logically it makes sense for them to protect each other rather than take each other out. Michael mentions that out of the three of them, they have one HOH and Turner says between the three of them, they have six.

12:31 PM BBT – Michael tells Turner and Monte that if Brittany isn’t on board with the girls F3, he is less worried about Alyssa being here. He also wonders if she isn’t on board if she would say something to either him or Turner. Turner mentions that the way that she proposed the F2 to Turner was borderline insulting because she made it seem like he is the only one she could beat out of the remaining HGs.

12:35 PM BBT – Monte asks for Michael’s read on Brittany. He tells them that he feels that Brittany has been on edge lately and tells them about how she turned Taylor away while they were talking about something insignificant last night.

12:45 PM BBT – Turner leaves and Michael and Monte talk about how organic they think Turner’s pitch for them to work together is. Meanwhile, Turner is downstairs talking to Alyssa about how she is feeling about the vote.

12:57 PM BBT – Turner confirms with Monte that Alyssa told him that the two of them (A&T) would be okay if Brittany won HOH and added that she would probably go after Monte.

1:00 PM BBT – Terrance asks Monte who he thinks he can sit next to and win. Monte says Brittany, but that seems like it. They run through voting scenarios and think he might be able to win against Turner too.

1:08 PM BBT – Terrance is telling Monte how Taylor told him he felt that he might be able to win if she was sitting next to Monte.

1:20 PM BBT – Monte and Terrance are rehashing things from earlier in the game.

1:28 PM BBT – Monte tells Terrance that he doesn’t see a reason why he needs to take Terrance out this week. He doesn’t see himself being Terrance’s target next week adding that Michael is a much bigger target and Turner has won more HOHs and made bigger moves than him.

1:37 PM BBT – Monte tells Terrance that Alyssa is always going to be bypassed every week. He says this is the first time that Alyssa will be sitting on the block on eviction night, but Terrance’s fifth.

2:15 PM BBT – Monte is cooking himself something to eat while Terrance is in the pool. Michael is nearby sleeping on one of the chairs. Everyone else is napping.

2:30 PM BBT – Monte tells Taylor that Terrance brings up valid points in his pitch, but he is still trying to figure out where Terrance’s head was at. Monte says that Terrance’s biggest pitch is that if anyone is sitting next to Alyssa, she will get more votes in the end. Which makes sense (they think because she has a lot of friends in the house). Monte says that the only thing about Alyssa is that she continues to lie to him.

2:38 PM BBT – Taylor tells Montee that’s Terrance’s entire pitch for everyone because that’s what he did in his conversation with her, counted Jury votes. Monte says that’s a logical conversation to have though, but adds that he doesn’t believe that Terrance wasn’t involved in some of the things he has denied knowing.

2:42 PM BBT – Taylor tells Monte that she doesn’t like the way that Terrance reacted last week, but at the same time she doesn’t want Alyssa to keep floating by week by week. They wonder who would be more likely to win competitions moving forward and when they started talking about the comps that Terrance won, feeds cut away.

2:46 PM BBT – Monte tells Taylor that this week was supposed to be clear cut, but he is feeling apprehensive about keeping her this week. He adds that he feels much better sitting next to Terrance in the end than Alyssa and Taylor agrees.

2:50 PM BBT – Taylor says that Terrance’s pitch to her is based on his opinion though. She says that he said that she could beat Turner in F2 but he has a better resume than she does. He is manipulating the information to try and get her to bite. She added that Terrance low-key threatened her with his Jury vote.

2:52 PM BBT – Taylor says that she has more of a reason to vote out Terrance at this point.

2:58 PM BBT – Monte tells Taylor that he is still in with the four (him, her, Michael, and Brittany), but Terrance feels like Monte is the only person in the house that he can talk to (she must have mentioned how Monte has been talking to Terrance a lot when the feeds were cut away). He adds that he is big on actions and they have consistently shown him that they have his back.

3:01 PM BBT – Monte tells Taylor that he is taking a leap of faith here because Taylor told him something that he didn’t ask for. Monte proceeds to tell Taylor about the F2 pitch Brittany made to Turner.

There is a new Final 3 inside the Big Brother house with Monte, Turner, and Michael agreeing to have each other’s backs moving forward, but how serious will they be about this if the opportunity to take shots at each other presents itself? Also, Terrance is bringing the Jury votes to everyone’s attention in his pitches this week, but it’s going to be a tough sell to Taylor after everything that took place last week with Terrance trying to keep Kyle over her. There is still a lot of time between now and Thursday night’s Double Eviction, but one thing we know for sure is that it will be either Terrance or Alyssa heading to the Jury house first!

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this year’s Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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