It was a busy Eviction Eve for both the indoor and outdoor crew on Big Brother 24. The Big BroChella group debated on the best way to tell this week’s target that they are going to jury and the Dyre Fest group spent the day listening to Joseph’s desperate pleas to stay in the Big Brother house. Read on to find out what Joseph’s campaign for Week 7 of BB24 consisted of and what Brittany, Michael, and Taylor decided to do right here!
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Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, August 24, 2022:
8:45 AM BBT – Dyre Fest HGs are waking up.
9:00 AM BBT – Joseph tells Terrance that he talked to Turner last night. He says that he has some ideas he wants to run by him and then if he wants he (T) can run through them with Turner too.
9:05 AM BBT – Joseph is running through some stretching exercises with Terrance. His back has been bothering him.
9:25 AM BBT – Joseph tells Terrance that Kyle said a lot of truths when he gave him all the information, but there were so many lies spread in there too. Terrance questions why he didn’t straighten out the lies when they all had their conversation. Joseph tells him that he did call Kyle out on some of the things. He adds that there is no way that Alyssa and Kyle aren’t working together because everything he has told her, has gotten back to Kyle.
9:30 AM BBT – Joseph tells Terrance that if he keeps Kyle, that’s only three people fighting for Terrance. Joseph reminds Terrance that regardless of what Kyle tells him, Kyle’s loyalty will always be with Alyssa. Joseph tells Terrance that he has a good relationship with the rest of the house to make sure that Terrance and Alyssa aren’t the targets. He also says that if he he goes back on his word, Turner will for sure make sure that Joseph is out the next week.
9:37 AM BBT – Terrance tells Joseph to talk to Turner and then he will. Terrance adds that he can’t process any of this without talking to Turner first.
9:40 AM BBT – Joseph sits with Alyssa and asks her if she has any questions about what they talked about last night. She says not right now, but she will think about it and let him know if anything comes up. Feeds cut shortly after this for indoor wakeup call.
10:05 AM BBT – Feeds return from indoor wakeup call to Kyle and Alyssa talking. Alyssa tells Kyle that she told Joseph that she had already made her decision. Alyssa thinks that his conversations are going to be completely pointless. Kyle says it stresses him to see Joseph talking to everyone. Alyssa says it’s the same stupid stuff over and over.
10:07 AM BBT – Kyle mentions how Joseph and Taylor played up this fauxmance whenever Alyssa was coming up, Alyssa says she doesn’t care. Kyle says that just shows that he will lie for no reason.
10:10 AM BBT – Alyssa says she doesn’t believe anything that Joseph says. She says that she doesn’t want to do a Good-bye Message for him. Says “Good-bye Joseph. Suck it.” Kyle reminds her that Joseph is still a jury vote.
11:05 AM BBT – Monte asks Taylor if there is a specific time he has to be packed by and she tells him not today, but tomorrow.
11:15 AM BBT – Production has opened the tarp a bit so that Dyre Fest could get some fresh air anc direct sunlight in the yard.
11:45 AM BBT – General chit chat going on inside and outside of the Big Brother house.
11:50 AM BBT – Turner lost his Birkenstocks and is looking all over the yard for them.
12:15 PM BBT – Michael tells Brittany that he thinks that Jasmine knows she is going but knows not to freak out or panic. They talk over their options as far as how they can break the news to her.
12:20 PM BBT – Brittany thinks that she doesn’t want to assume that the relationships they had before the split are going to be the same. She thinks that Taylor is going to fall into that trap with Joseph. Michael says “if Joseph comes back.”
12:40 PM BBT – Brittany tells Michael that she really hopes that Alyssa doesn’t go this week. Michael says that if Kyle and Alyssa both come back Thursday, it’s over. Meanwhile, Joseph is outside talking to Turner. He tells Joseph that he honestly doesn’t know what he is going to do this week. Turner says that Joseph has better points and Kyle betrayed them.
12:45 PM BBT – Joseph tells Turner that he never thought in a million years that Kyle would do the things he did. Joseph says that he has talked to Terrance and Alyssa, but Terrance keeps telling him he doesn’t have a vote and that he has to talk to Turner.
12:50 PM BBT – Joseph tells Turner that Terrance seems receptive to the fact that there is a showmance in the house. Turner says that he is swaying in Joseph’s direction, says he’s at 55/45. Joseph says that if he starts to waver just to come talk to him. Joseph starts going over some of the lies that Kyle has said and tells Turner that if Alyssa knows he is going to vote for Joseph to stay, she is going to hammer Terrance.
12:57 PM BBT – Joseph reminds Turner that he has never lied to him and says that they have no idea if they are going to be a priority to the Leftovers that are inside. Turner tells Joseph that he has a lot to think aboout and walks away.
1:00 PM BBT – Alyssa and Turner are talking now. Turner doesn’t have his mic on so we can’t hear him. It sounds like he is going over what Joseph said to him. Alyssa says that Joseph’s campaign to her was that he would go home over her and if she’s going to be on the block, he will volunteer to be a pawn to keep her safe. She doesn’t believe it and asks if Turner feels any different after talking to Joseph. He says that he doesn’t love that Kyle told Terrance about the alliance, but Kyle is also his best friend in the house.
1:02 PM BBT – Alyssa and Turner are talking about their targets next week. Alyssa says that if Monte is still there, she would put Monte and Taylor with Michael as a renom. Turner says he would do the same.
1:07 PM BBT – Kyle tells Joseph that he thinks that it’s really 50/50 and either of them could go. Joseph says that he would love a 50/50, but he doesn’t think that’s accurate. Joseph tells Kyle that Turner has told him he doesn’t know what he is going to do, but he’s close to Alyssa.
1:08 PM BBT – Terrance joins the Alyssa and Turner conversation. Turner tells him that when they get back in there, they have to tell them how the noms went so that they know Turner was on the block. He says they can tell them that Joseph and Turner were on the block. Then he swapped Turner with Kyle because Joseph outed the Leftovers and he thought he could get more information out of him if he was sitting next to Kyle.
1:10 PM BBT – Terrance, Alyssa, and Turner are talking about how they have to stick together when they get back in there. Alyssa tells them that Joseph’s pitch just isn’t realistic. They all agree that their best bet going forward is to keep Kyle this week.
1:35 PM BBT – Taylor, Brittany, and Michael are going over all the details of their talk with Jasmine.
1:52 PM BBT – Brittany, Taylor, and Michael talk about when they want to have the conversation. They set it tentatively for 4-4:30 PM BBT unless Jasmine pulls them aside before then.
2:02 PM BBT – Alyssa, Turner, and Terrance are telling Kyle how they are going to spin what happened this week to the rest of the house.
2:10 PM BBT – Kyle wonders if there is any way that Alyssa and Terrance could try and test whether the LOs inside will spill any information to them. They wonder what that would accomplish and Kyle thinks they can use the information against them later.
2:29 PM BBT – Joseph is talking to Terrance again and pitching how he will keep him safe. Terrance tells him that no one came here to not win. Joseph says that right now his game is dead though and he has a moral compass to stick to and he wouldn’t give him empty promises. Terrance says there isn’t anything he can do unless there is a vote in front of him.
2:31 PM BBT – Terrance tells Joseph he has to talk to Turner. Turner comes over to talk to Terrance and he gets called to the DR.
2:35 PM BBT – The Dyre Fest houseguests are all around the pool. Meanwhile, Taylor and Michael are working out in the house.
2:55 PM BBT – Terrance and Turner are talking about how Jasmine is always concocting stuff and always in the best interest of the women in the house. He adds that he has to warned Alyssa that Jasmine is not someone he can count on when it comes to his best interest or any of the guys for that matter.
3:00 PM BBT – Turner and Terrance agree to have each others backs going forward and Turner tells Terrance that if anything comes up this week, he will come to talk him and Terrance could do that same.
Brittany, Michael, and Taylor’s plan is to tell Jasmine that she will be evicted at tomorrow night’s live eviction this evening. Meanwhile, Joseph is desperately promising the sun, moon, and stars to anyone who will listen in the backyard, but it’s falling on deaf ears. Unless some sort of miracle happens and Turner decides to vote for Joseph to stay and Terrance follows his lead, Joseph will be forced to spend a week in the jury house with Indy and Jasmine.
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