We’ve got two Big Brother 24 evictions coming up this week, so that means two houseguests will be joining Indy in jury. And since the latest twist split the game into two, it’ll be Monte or Jasmine for the inside group and Kyle or Joseph for the outside group.
If you haven’t caught up on our Big Brother 24 spoilers, then you might be wondering why I said Kyle or Joseph. That’s because Terrance used the veto on Turner and replaced him with Kyle. Based on Live Feeds conversations from Tuesday night, that is all part of a plan to cover up Kyle spilling all the details about the Leftovers alliance. Joseph still has an out now, though, whereas he didn’t when he was on the block with Turner. But can he wiggle his way through that out? That’s probably not very likely. But let’s count the votes and see. We’ll start with the outside group.
Votes to evict Joseph: Alyssa, Turner
Votes to evict Kyle: None
That’s the most likely scenario. But if Joseph can continue to work on Terrance and Terrance is OK with Turner voting Kyle, then it could end up like this:
Votes to evict Joseph: Alyssa
Votes to evict Kyle: Turner
Terrance breaks the tie and sends Kyle to jury.
I don’t think that will happen, though, because while Terrane gave Joseph some false home on Tuesday night, he told Alyssa later there’s no reason why they should keep Joseph this week because he would just go back in the house and pickup where he and the other Leftovers left off.
Now let’s check on the votes inside the house.
Votes to evict Jasmine: Brittany, Taylor
Votes to evict Monte: None
We are about 99 percent sure that this will be how it plays out inside. Michael isn’t ready to take that shot at Monte, especially since he has no idea what really is happening on the outside. But he and Brittany did say they should at least talk about the idea of sending Monte out (this was likely so they can have some suspense in the episodes). So if that were to happen, then it would likely be Brittany and Taylor splitting votes and Michael breaking the tie to send Monte out. But that won’t happen. They won’t be able to risk doing that to Turner and their allies in the back yard (since they have no idea the Leftovers are pretty much over now).
Who do you think will be evicted from the Big Brother 24 house Thursday night? Let us know in our polls below.