Big Brother 24 Eviction Prediction Week 8

It’s just about time for another Big Brother 24 eviction. Either Kyle or Taylor will be joining Indy, Jasmine and Joseph in jury, but who will it be?

Based on the events of the week, and the fact that Michael, Brittany and Monte remain adamant about Taylor staying this week, we are about 98 percent certain that Kyle will be the houseguest evicted tonight.

Terrance has put in a lot of time trying to keep Kyle, claiming that he would like for him to stay to learn from everything that went down this week. Monte thinks that Terrance wants Kyle around for his own game reasons, and we kind of agree with that. Turner would also prefer Kyle stay, but more for the reason that Taylor would be the one to go. Turner is worried that Taylor, Brittany and Michael want him out very soon, or at least before Final 4. And they do, but Turner can’t get anyone other than Terrance on board to keep Kyle. Alyssa would surely be OK to keep him, as they have once again rekindled their showmance in the past 24 hours.

But Terrance and Alyssa are only two votes. So it looks like Terrance and Turner have accepted that they are going to have to maneuver the rest of the game without Kyle.

So that’s that. Kyle will most likely be heading off to jury tonight. We are confident of that.

And it looks like our readers agree that Kyle will be sent packing tonight over Taylor. More than 82 percent of voters chose Kyle as the one to most likely be sent out the door tonight in our weekly eviction poll.

Do you think Kyle or Taylor will be evicted from the Big Brother 24 house tonight? Let us know in our comments below. Also, be sure to join us back here tonight for our live recap of the episode. And keep up with all of our recaps, spoilers and BB24 updates on Facebook and Twitter.



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