Big Brother 24 Episode 32 Recap: Monte Joins Taylor In The Final 3

In a mathematical Big Brother 24 final veto competition, it was Monte who added up himself a victory. But there’s still one major problem to solve. Who does he add to the final 3 with himself and Taylor? The answer to that won’t come until Thursday night, but Sunday night’s episode gave us a pretty good indication of which way he is leaning.

Sunday’s episode picked up right after Taylorโ€™s Head of Household win against Brittany and Turner.ย That meansย Taylor is officially in the Final 3, and the only people left in the house are members of The Leftovers alliance.ย 

Turner lets us know that he has got to do everything he can to make Brittany Taylorโ€™s target this week. And since she voted Taylor over Alyssa, he has some ammo. Turner catches up with Monte to let him know that vote definitely wasnโ€™t him. Monte says he knows, because he could see it on Brittanyโ€™s face when she came out of the diary room.ย 

Monte and Turner agree that Brittany will now be trying to pin that vote on him.ย 

But why did Brittany think that vote was a good idea? Before the eviction, she pulled Turner into the storage room and tried to get him to give Alyssa a sympathy vote. So she seemed to think maybe heโ€™d give Alyssa that vote, and her secret vote would send Taylor out. But Turner also told Monte and Taylor all about that conversation before the eviction, so thereโ€™s not much Brittany will be able to do to convince Taylor the vote was Turner. But will that even matter to Taylor, who wants to take Brittany to the end because she can easily beat her? Likely not. Taylor still wants Turner out over Brittany and lets Brittany know that she has her back.ย 

And even tough Taylor wants Brittany to stay over Turner, she still says the best idea for nominations this week is for it to be Brittany and Turner on the block.ย 

Meanwhile Turner tries to talk to Brittany about her vote, but Brittany wonโ€™t really talk to Turner. She says thereโ€™s nothing to talk about. So she stay silent, to not give Turner any ammo. She lets us know that if her move was slimy, then so were all of Turnerโ€™s (when he voted out Pooch, Kyle, Michael and Alyssa).ย 

At the nomination ceremony, Taylor goes ahead and puts Turner and Brittany on the block. As we, and they, all know, nominations donโ€™t much matter at this point in the game. Itโ€™s all about that veto.ย 

Taylor let Brittany and Turner know in her speech that itโ€™s because no one will own up to the vote, and Brittany continues to deny it to Taylor. But again, Taylor doesnโ€™t care because she knows she can beat Brittany at the end.ย 

But before they get ahed of themselves, thereโ€™s a veto competition to be played. Letโ€™s get to it.ย 

For this veto, the players have to match photos of events to which days events occurred. And then add up all the numbers to equal the correct number. The person who gets the final answer correct the fastest, wins the Power of Veto.ย 

And after some really bad mathing from all of them, Monte finally wins the veto.ย 

So now it all comes down to Monte to decide who else makes it to Final 3. Since heโ€™s not on the block, the nominees wonโ€™t be changing, so itโ€™s going to come down to that vote. And we wonโ€™t get that vote until Thursday night during the next eviction episode.ย 



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