Big Brother 24: Daniel Durston Addresses Treatment Of Taylor

Many Big Brother 24 fans and houseguests were happy to see Elvis impersonator Daniel Durston walk out that door Thursday evening, following a month of controversial statements he made to fellow houseguest Taylor Hale.

So far, each of the evicted (or self-evicted houseguests) have been faced with the treatment of Taylor in the house, and Daniel’s exit interviews were no different. Even down to the fact that he doesn’t seem to remember what he said, exactly. He does say that whatever was said was surely not warranted and he hopes to right his wrongs.

He told Us Weekly that the comments “all sound terrible” when he was asked about the things he said about Taylor. He does say he understands why people would be upset with him though.

Entertainment Weekly also reminded Daniel of some of the things he said, particularly in the bathroom incident when he told Taylor to “f*ck right off.”

“Leaving the house, obviously it sits terribly with me,” Daniel told EW. “That’s not how I want it to be done. That’s not how I wanted to be portrayed. But I am such a loyal person in my real life. I didn’t know it would carry over into the game. Life in that house is what you’ve been told and what you’ve experienced personally. So with what I was told, I thought I was on the right side of things. Unfortunately, it seems like I’m not. I look forward to watching it back and correcting my wrongs. Absolutely.”

Entertainment Weekly also didn’t miss the chance to KIND OF rub salt in his wounds by asking him how he feels about just missing jury.

“Ugh, it sucks to not make jury, I gotta tell you,” Daniel told EW. “I had the full BB experience with first HOH, which is what I wanted. I know that’s technically a bad thing, but I wanted it. I got slop for the second week, and I won a Veto and I made a final two on day 2. The only thing I didn’t fully get was jury — and winning, of course. But it’s been a dream come true. And, ultimately, I did want to leave the house at this point. I was ready to go. So I’m not leaving with any regrets — opposed to watching it back and correcting my wrongs, of course.”

Sources: Us Weekly, Entertainment Weekly



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