Anyone who watched last night’s episode of Big Brother 24 heard Julie talk about a new twist that will be introduced into the game next Thursday night. This will take place during a special two-hour episode of Big Brother which will start with an eviction and then roll right into this wild twist. Read on to find out what we know about next week’s Split House twist as we try to piece together how this will work inside the BB24 house.
Julie started off explaining this twist saying that the game will completely change as the house splits into two groups. After next week’s eviction, there will be ten houseguests left, which means this will be two groups of five people. This left us with very few details and a lot more questions as the show went off the air.
Julie adds that these groups will have no interaction and two completely separate games of Big Brother will take place simultaneously all week long. There are still a lot of questions about how this will play out. Our friend over at BBGossip has a source that told him half of the houseguests will live inside the house and half will live out in the backyard. How they will keep the two groups separate in the common areas of the house such as the kitchen, bathroom, etc will be interesting to see.
twitter-tweet" align="center" data-lang="en">I was WRONG... sounds like the Split House twist WILL last an entire week starting next Thursday. What I was told was half will live in the BY - half inside the house (don't ask me how the half outside will cope with the weather). I trust my source tho! #bb24
— Big Brother Gossip 🇺🇦 (@BBGossip) August 12, 2022
Now, with all this being said, there are still a lot of questions. One question is, how will the Head of Household competition play out? If we start the episode off with the house being divided into these two groups, one of those groups will be at a disadvantage for the HOH comp, assuming that this week’s HOH will not be able to compete.
Another question is, how will the Power of Veto Competition play out? I’m assuming that it two games are happening side by side, which means that there will be two HOHs and four nominees. Will they be the only ones to compete? Will there only be one Veto up for grabs? Also, how will the live vote and eviction play out? Will only two people from each group vote?
It is very likely that we won’t get any more information about how this twist is going to work in its entirety until next Thursday. What do you think about it? How do you hope it plays out?
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