‘Big Brother 23’ Spoilers: Who Was Voted Out Last Night & Who Won HOH?

Julie Chen on Big Brother

It’s Big Brother 23 time! The Houseguests were back for the latest eviction as we waited to find out who was voted out last night and who won HOH as the backyard awaited us with the first Endurance HOH comp of the season.

Hannah and Whitney were on the Block and votes are locked for who should be heading out the door by the end of the night leaving us with just the mystery of who can hang on and secure power for the upcoming week. Lots of options for targets and someone might be ready to take a big shot, but there is also a lot of complacency leading HGs to want to avoid the power for themselves and let someone else earn their own target.

Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s Paramount+ with the legacy plan or the new Premium plan in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.

Big Brother 23 Results – Week 4 Votes:

  • Derek F votes to evict: Whitney
  • Britini votes to evict: Whitney
  • Azah votes to evict: Whitney
  • Kyland votes to evict: Whitney
  • Alyssa votes to evict: Whitney
  • Sarah votes to evict: Whitney
  • That’s enough votes.
  • Claire votes to evict: Whitney
  • Derek X votes to evict: Whitney
  • Tiffany votes to evict: Whitney
  • Xavier votes to evict: Whitney

By a vote of 10-0, Whitney Williams has been evicted from Big Brother.

After the vote, we’ll see the HGs head out to the backyard to compete for the new Head of Household. No more Wildcard comps which means tonight’s Endurance battle will roll over to Sunday’s show, of course, or you can stick with us tonight for our live coverage and watch it on the Feeds yourself too.

Big Brother 23 Results – Week 5 Endurance HoH Comp:

After the show, we’ll be heading back to the Live Feeds to watch the fallout over who won HOH & the start of the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!

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