Big Brother 23 Week 4 Survey Results: Who Is Your Favorite Houseguest?

The Big Brother 23 Week 4 Survey results are in and it looks like not a lot has changed this week as far as who the most popular houseguests are and who you think is playing the best game so far.

Let’s take a look at the Top 4 vote-getters in the favorite houseguest poll. Derek X maintained the top spot again this week with 45.6 percent of the vote. Just behind him was a former reigning champion, Tiffany. She finished with 40.4 percent of the vote this week. Coming in third once again was Kyland with 31.5 percent. And right on his heels was Xavier with 31.1 percent. Xavier made a leap this week as Sarah Beth fell several points, seemingly after her aggressive targeting of Hannah this week.

At the other end of the poll, we have Brent at the very bottom, followed by Frenchie. Travis finally moves up two spots. Whitney rounds out the bottom four. Brent finished with .5 percent while Frenchie and Travis garnered only 1.1 and 1.2 precent respectively. Whitney closed out the week with 3.3 percent.

In the Who is Playing The Best Game poll, Tiffany held on tight to that top spot with 32 percent of the vote. Derek X remained in the second spot this week with 20 percent of the vote. Xavier made a jump to the third spot, knocking Kyland down a notch. Xavier finished with 15.4, while Kyland finished with 8.1. Sarah Beth fell several places in this poll, too. Sarah Beth’s actions this week, while completely justified on her part, didn’t seem to be too popular among fans. And that also seemingly had a bit of an effect on Kyland’s ranking as well.

At the very bottom of the heap is Britini with only .4 precent of the vote. Whitney is second to last with .5 percent. Azah is just a bit better with .6 percent. Derek F rounds out the bottom four with 1.4 percent.

And it looks like most of you are still enjoying the season, but it is starting to slip slightly. It seems there’s a bit of a split fandom on whether or not the season is getting a bit boring. There are two camps there, one side says no because the cast and gameplay are great, while the other side says yes, because there’s not enough drama and zero fighting.

Be sure to check out our Big Brother 23 Week 4 Survey results graphic below to see where everyone ranked this week.

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