After the Veto Ceremony Monday, the Big Brother 23 houseguests spent much of the day thinking ahead, and some of them began to think about what it’s going to be like when they have to face cutting one favorite person over another. That’s what happens when you have a Big Brother cast that actually likes each other for the most part.
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Big Brother 23 Live Feed Highlights โ Monday, August 2, 2021:
3:03 PM BBT – Alyssa tells Christian she thinks they’re good on all angles after this week. Christian says it’s almost better if she doesn’t win HOH next. She says she can’t not try though because it’s not worth the risk.
3:05 PM BBT – Christian asks Alyssa who she would put up. Alyssa says Azah and Britini. Alyssa says she feels better about Hannah now so wouldn’t want to go after her. Alyssa says she feels better with Britini but thinks they could beat Azah in comps more.
3:07 PM BBT – Christian says the next time Hannah is on the block she has to go. He says the order should be Azah next, then Hannah, then Britini.
3:21 PM BBT – Derek F says he’s trying to figure out what to do if he wins HOH. He says he doesn’t know if a man or woman should go. Hannah tells him she wouldn’t think about it that way because sending home a woman for the sake of numbers might not be in his best interest.
3:23 PM BBT – Derek F asks Hannah who she would want to send home and she skirts the question. He then asks who makes her nervous. She says the girl who doesn’t talk game. He asks if that’s Claire. She says no, it’s Sarah Beth. Derek F says that makes him nervous too. Hannah tells DF that it was SB who kept pushing for her to go on the block this week.
3:37 PM BBT – Tiffany talks to the camera that she would love to sit in the final 2 chairs with Hannah. She says she’s an amazing young woman and that she’s really impressed with her.
4:21 PM BBT – Tiffany tells Hannah that the Cookout is not for her personal game. She says it’s for something much bigger than that. They agree that they’ll have to cut DX and Claire for those reasons.
4:54 PM BBT – Tiffany asks DX if he wants to tell Kyland he might go after Sarah Beth. DX says yes. Tiffany says then Kyland is going to try to win HOH and tell Sarah to gun for it also.
5:13 PM BBT – Alyssa and Claire are onto Kyland after he said he doesn’t know memory things. Alyssa remembers Kyland saying he has a great memory and says that Kyland is playing them.
5:23 PM BBT – Tiffany asks Alyssa who she would put up if she wins HOH. She says it would be two Jokers. Tiffany tells Christian and Alyssa that if anyone asks who she would put up she’s going to say the two of them to cover up.
5:58 PM BBT – Tiffany has herself stretched too thin, so she cam talks that if she wins HOH and wants to target Sarah Beth, she has to put Britini up next to her.
6:00 PM BBT – Tiffany says Alyssa just can’t win because if she wants to target Hannah, that’s going to be it for her and Alyssa because she will not vote Hannah out.
6:15 PM BBT – Tiffany tells Azah that she loves Claire but knows she’ll figure out about the Cookout alliance. Azah says she doesn’t think Claire would be bitter though. Tiffany says she’d never be able to look Claire in the eye if she figured it out. She says for her own sanity, it might be better for Claire to go sooner rather than later.
6:30 PM BBT – HGs are playing mock court. Nothing else going on.
7:00 PM BBT – Mock court still going on.
8:05 PM BBT – Time for dinner. People are starting to prepare food.
9:00 PM BBT – HGs talk about what else they can do. Derek X says they’re too sophisticated for charades. Claire says this might be the smartest Big Brother cast they’ve ever had.
10:20 PM BBT – Alyssa talks with Christian about bringing Xavier in as a fifth to join them and Tiffany and Claire.
11:00 PM BBT – Christian and Alyssa are still hanging out upstairs and discuss all their many alliances.
11:00 PM BBT – Tiffany and Claire discuss their Detectives alliance. Claire thinks maybe they should bring in Hannah instead (replacing Kyland) to go with DX.
11:05 PM BBT – DX meets with Alyssa and Christian. They discuss that Hannah is not part of Royal Flush so DX should prioritize RF over Hannah.
11:20 PM BBT – Tiffany talks with Xavier about working with Hannah once they get down to the six plus Hannah.
11:25 PM BBT – Xavier and Hannah discuss who they could nominate against Sarah to make sure she goes. They settle on Kyland as the second nominee.
11:35 PM BBT – HGs discussing expecting the teams twist to go away next week. Sarah worries to Xavier, Claire, and Hannah that someone may be coming for her as part of the Kings. Sarah doesn’t want to see a fifth straight HOH with another man.
12:00 AM BBT – Whitney and Xavier discussing her pending departure. She’s surprised that she’s seen as a threat.
12:15 AM BBT – Sarah, Tiffany, and Claire going over HGs. Sarah thinks Hannah convinced Christian not to target her and Sarah says that’s okay because Whitney might have targeted her too. Sarah thinks Xavier will follow Christian’s lead.
12:40 AM BBT – Kyland and DX discussing how there are too many Kings left. DX notes that if they take out a King then you’ve got at least two HGs coming after you for that.
12:50 AM BBT – Claire tells Tiffany and Sarah that if the next HOH comp is endurance (it is) then she’s in trouble and doesn’t think she can hang on.
12:55 AM BBT – Kyland and DX wonder how the Kings dynamics will change depending on which of the four left. They think Christian will go to Xavier if Alyssa is evicted.
1:15 AM BBT – DX tells Kyland that he feels strong and secure about their Detectives alliance (with Claire and Tiffany). DX says that Sarah worries him. They discuss how Christian won this HOH even though he didn’t need to. They thought he would have thrown it but accidentally won it for himself (Kings didn’t realize the last player automatically won HOH).
1:50 AM BBT – DF, Britini, and Azah talk game. DF would nominate Sarah and Hannah and wants a girl to go home but he would BD DX or Christian if there was a renom situation. He’s focused on breaking up the Kings and Aces.
2:05 AM BBT – Azah wonders if they should try for HOH or just sit back and watch the others fight. DF says they have to fight for it or they could be the ones out the door.
2:25 AM BBT – Azah worries the Aces will come after the Jokers to gain favor with the Kings and work with them
2:30 AM BBT – DF thinks the Aces and Queens are working together.
2:45 AM BBT – Kyland is alone cleaning up in the kitchen after DX heads to bed.
3:45 AM BBT – Lights are finally out as Kyland heads to be after cleaning up in the kitchen.
Whitney has given up the fight to stay and no one is going to push for her to stick around so her game is done on BB23. Now it’s more of looking ahead to the next target. Endurance comp is on its way and we’ll see if a woman can take over the HOH room for the first time this season.
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