Big Brother 23 Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results

Veto medallion on Big Brother

The new Power of Veto spoilers for Big Brother 23 are in and we’ve got the results setting us up for the final noms the week. Read on for this week’s PoV spoilers!

This was going to be a pivotal Veto comp as we waited to see if DX would be pulled to play so he could thread the needle in a particular combination of events and force a Cookout faceoff on the Block. Of course, DX didn’t know any of this was facing him as a do-or-die situation so the chances of him sensing this out in time was going to be slim, but hey, forget all that anyway cause he didn’t get his chip pulled!

Instead, Alyssa, Azah, and DF were all picked to play in the Veto while DX would watch for the sidelines as his game most likely evaporated before him without even knowing it was happening. That’s just the way Big Brother goes sometimes!

Remember that Sarah originally nominated Claire and DF, but then Alyssa won the Roulette twist power which she used to save DF and Xavier was randomly selected as the renom. So those were our noms heading into the comp: Claire and Xavier.

Big Brother 23 Spoilers: Week 7 Veto Competition Results:

  • Xavier won the Power of Veto

HGs discussed this was the domino set up comp where you had to select spots to route through. Punishments and prizes were also involved. Sounds like the HGs had a chance at winning more BB Bucks (gotta make sure production gets the action they need on that). DF won $7,500 (seems there was $10K available too).

It wasn’t all fun and rewards though. Xavier seems to have also earned himself a future nomination next week as a 3rd nom unless he wins HOH (and then he’ll be the 3rd nom the following week instead). Oh, X also lost all his BB Bucks. And wait, Xavier also has solitary isolation punishment? Wow, that was quite a tradeoff for X to win a Veto he didn’t need, but I guess anytime you’re on the Block you need the Veto.

Xavier is definitely taking himself off the Block. And when he does, DX will be named as the renom and will be targeted by the Cookout for eviction on Thursday. This week is pretty set and done, but of course, nothing is final until Julie announces it. Can DX pull off an upset against Claire?

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