Big Brother 23 Spoilers: Week 3 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother

Nomination spoilers are in Big Brother 23 Week 3 as the new Head of Household has made his picks following the Wildcard competition earlier narrowed down his options. Read on to find out which two HGs are on the Block and what’s next for the rest of the house.

Heading into nominations things were pretty stressed in the house as several Houseguests felt they were closer to Xavier than apparently his own game had aligned itself. When word spread of his plan to use Britini as a renom we heard some heated discussions as Azah didn’t like the idea of her (B) going up again. Meanwhile, Brent was not buying Xavier’s suggestion that Brent would be on the Block as a pawn to play in the Veto and suggested Derek X instead. Xavier was in a tough spot

Big Brother 23 Week 3 Nominations:

  • Xavier nominated: Brent and Britini

Well back up goes Britini but once again she’s the pawn. That probably won’t stop her freak out though. Again. So anyway, Brent is the real target here and he didn’t have a shot in the Wildcard comp so that left him vulnerable for this week’s noms. Now Xavier just has to worry about the Veto on Saturday before he can hope to lock in this plan. Think Brent can work his way out of this mess or is he on the fast track to following Frenchie’s tractor right out that front door?

What do you think of these picks? Smart choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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