Adam Poch’s Big Brother 23 Player Rankings – Week 6

Adam Poch from Big Brother

Can you believe that the Big Brother 23 season is only halfway done? It feels like this season has been going on forever – but we have only had 5 evictions so far and still have 9 more evictions before the jury votes for the winner of Big Brother 23. I’d say this is one of the better recent seasons despite a big alliance controlling the game so far.

The Cookout is definitely doing their thing and picking everyone else off one by one. Last week we saw some cracks starting – and this week we saw some more, but for now, they are keeping it together. Their plan is working perfectly – and will continue to until someone either figures it out, or an internal rift spills over. That could happen with the next HoH or as a result of a power from the High Rollers room.

But first – let’s take a look back at the week that was – and see if everyone played well enough to get bacon, played bad enough to get tofu, or was lousy and got the Tofurkey of the Week

Tiffany – 5 strips of Bacon – after a 1-week dip to the bottom of the rankings, Tiffany is back on top – with another masterful week. She has been the puppetmaster all season, and despite people starting to get annoyed with her last week – she was like Teflon. Tiffany took over the HoH this week after the initial nominations and was able to shift the target off her plus 1 and point the rifle at someone else. All the while – she kept collecting information from, well, everyone and is plotting a path to get to the end. Her tone & demeanor has softened, but her desire and dedication remain fierce. It’s her game to lose at this point.

Alyssa – 4 strips of Bacon – big props to Alyssa for winning the OTEV veto this week. As a fellow OTEV winner, I can tell you it is pretty stressful looking for the correct answer, while also looking to make sure you are not the last one back. Alyssa does not realize how close she was to becoming a possible renom if either of the nominees came down – but with that Veto around her neck, she slept well the rest of the week. We have also seen her do a good job at getting over Christian and fitting back in with the rest of the house. Too often we see a showmancee fall apart after their partner goes, but Alyssa seemed unphased.

Kyland – 3 strips of Bacon – Kyland is the first person to win 2 HoHs this season, and his attitude and cockiness came through even moreso this time around than last time. His last HoH was easy as there was a house target (Frenchie) – and this time, he had a few targets – but with the High Rollers room to navigate through – he may have overplayed it just a smidge. The long winded complex plan & then going back on his deal with Britini has left a bad taste with several of us outside the house and a few inside as well. However – his gamble on Alyssa paid off – and that was a very smart play – to make sure he still had control if one of his targets won the Veto. As with the other members of the Cookout – Kyland has some side deals going on, and that should keep him safe in the event anyone non-Cookout wins the next HoH

Derek F – 2 strips of Bacon – OK, this does not happen often. I rarely award someone bacon that volunteers to be a pawn – but Derek F not only did it but played it perfectly to make it look like there was a rift between him & Kyland. He said & did all the right things the first half of the week – then once Britini was next to him, he did not do anything stupid to move the actual target on him. There are some that want to take this opportunity to get him out – but don’t worry, he’ll be laying around the house for weeks to come.

Xavier – 2 strips of Bacon – it was a ho-hum week for Xavier – and that’s a good thing. He is the most level-headed person in the Cookout and sees the big picture, even catches on to Tiffany’s motives – but keeps his mouth shut. It’s hard to see any flaws in his game at this point – and as long as he does not win another HoH anytime soon – he’ll have smooth sailing to the final 6.

Hannah – 1 strip of Bacon – was she even in the house this week? I guess I’ll throw her a strip of bacon for just chillin.

Sara Beth – 1 strip of Tofu – similar to Hannah – Sara Beth was kind of invisible this week – but she has too much of her game wrapped around Kyland. This is not good for her short-term. If she does not win this week’s HoH – she could find herself on the block and out the door next week.

Azah – 2 strips of Tofu – I am still not sure if Azah has figured out how to play Big Brother. I know she wanted to win that last HoH and she got mad at Kyland for not throwing it to her – but she should have been OK not getting unnecessary blood on her hands at this stage of the game. She will have to start winning comps on her own, and cannot expect others to do it for her.

Claire – 3 strips of Tofu – first she tells the HoH she is going after his alliance, then she campaigns to get the non-target out. Granted – she has no idea this all goes against the secret alliance controlling the game – but if not for Tiffany – Claire would be a goner.

Britini – 4 strips of Tofu – oh Britini – your time is coming to an end – and you have played a, well, less than spectacular game. Without a doubt – she has been the most vocal houseguest of the season – both in the Diary Room and around the house. She talks like she is the strongest competitor of all time with the biggest heart & determination. Yes – she won last week’s Veto and that was a pretty tough one – but the rest of the time she has been more talk than action. This week she had the perfect opportunity to keep Derek F, Azah, and herself safe – but flopped in the Veto – even after Azah tried to help her. Her campaigning was going OK – until she used the same exact pitch to Alyssa that Christian used last week on Britini. That did not seem to sit well with Alyssa.

That brings us to the Tofurkey of the Week – and this week it goes to Derek X. Loose lips sink BB ships – and Derek X does not realize what he is saying and who he is saying it to. He was fortunate to be awarded 100 BB Bucks – but he told Tiffany about it. Yep – he told the puppet master he has the biggest bank. To make matters worse – he told Kyland he was not going to go hard for the next HoH because he does not “have the heart” to go through with it again. Well – that just means he will be a sitting duck unless he wins Veto or somehow gets spared in a High Rollers reward twist. Such a shame that this far into the game that he does not have the killer instinct needed.

There ya have it – another week in the books and the evicted HGs from here on out will make up the jury that will crown the winner in just under 6 weeks from now.

My question of the week is – we have seen OTEV in many forms over the years – which one is your favorite? Obviously mine was the Sweet Tooth Shark from BB13!

Let me know what you think of my rankings and the answer to my question of the week in the comments section below. From outside the Big Brother House, this is Adam Poch reminding you, ignorance is temporary, stupid is forever.

Catch me here every week during the BB season for my rankings. If you want more of my thoughts during the season. follow me on Twitter @HeavyMetalTeddy – and listen to my Podcast – @BigBrothersPod.



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