Derek X and his nominations turned up the volume on the drama in the Big Brother 23 house as the Kings team (yes, despite the twist being over, everyone is still thinking in teams) were sent scrambling. Read on to find out who DX wants to target this week and what early veto plans are to ensure his main target gets on the block this week.
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Big Brother 23 Live Feed Highlights โ Friday, August 6, 2021:
3:15 PM BBT – Derek X and Britini meet up again. This time he he makes it a little more known that he could use her as a pawn, so she actually agrees to it and even says she’ll pretend to be angry.
4:32 PM BBT – Derek X finished talking to Kyland about his plan, sort of, and feeds cut for the nomination ceremony.
5:42 PM BBT – Feeds return. DX nominated Sarah Beth and Britini. The Kings are not happy that Sarah Beth is on the block. Xavier says he thought DX was going to put up two Jokers. He says this makes no sense. They agree they need Christian to play the veto competition so he can save SB.
5:43 PM BBT – DX is upset following the nominations and Britini is consoling him (yes, you read that right).
5:46 PM BBT – Xavier says he wants to know who DX’s target is because that wasn’t clear from his speech. Alyssa says if Christian wins veto and saves SB then DX can’t put up her or Xavier because he promised them on the wall. Christian says DX messed up bad with these nominations. Christian thinks this was all Kyland’s idea and is really mad at Kyland.
5:48 PM BBT ย – Xavier thinks the Royal Flush needs to have a meeting because he wants to see DX explain his logic in front of the whole alliance.
5:51 PM BBT – Xavier wonders if there’s a backdoor plan for another Joker. Christian says if there’s a backoor plan, it’s for him (Christian). Sarah Beth thinks she is the target, but Alyssa says she thinks he put SB up to make Hannah happy.
5:53 PM BBT – DX tells Britini he doesn’t want Christian winning veto and saving SB. He says he wants Kyland to do that and there would be a much bigger target going up. Britini asks if Christian wins veto, would Alyssa go up despite the promise he made. DX says it would have to be her.
5:58 PM BBT – Kyland and DX discuss talking to SB about the plan and letting her know she’s a pawn. DX says he doesn’t want Christian to know he’s the actual target.
6:02 PM BBT – DX says if Christian goes home this week they have such a smooth ride in the game. Kyland says not to stress because noms are over and he can’t change that now. He says either Christian goes home or the Kings’ strongest mental player (SB).
6:06 PM BBT – DX lets Sarah Beth know that he does not want her to go home this week. He says he feels horrible for putting her up, but he had no other option. SB tells him she knows he’s a smart guy so this all seems fishy and she doesn’t believe him at the moment.
6:10 PM BBT – Sarah Beth is confused because if she comes off the block, he will just have to put up another Joker, she says. And he asks why she thinks he would put up another Joker. And then it clicks and she’s shocked. She gets that another King would go up and says that she can’t let them know that because then if they win veto they won’t save her.
6:12 PM BBT – SB asks DX if he wins veto will he take her down. He says he will take either her or Britini down.
6:15 PM BBT – SB starts to really catch on and says she is willing to do what she has to do to come off the block, even if it means not picking Christian to play in the veto. DX tells her if she picks Christian and he wins, he’s going to tell him if he uses the veto he’ll put Alyssa on the block, which means he won’t use the veto. He says he can’t target Alyssa because he gave her his word, so it has to be Christian. He says he can’t have him play in the veto and she can’t want that to happen either for her own sake.
6:22 PM BBT – Sarah Beth asks Kyland if he wins veto will he take her down. he says 100 percent.
6:23 PM BBT – Alyssa says they should have taken out Hannah. Christian says they should have taken out DX.
6:30 PM BBT – DX, SB and Kyland discuss how this should all play out. SB lets DX know that she’s not targeting Hannah anymore. She said the only reason why she ever was is because Alyssa and Christian told her that Hannah was coming after her.
6:41 PM BBT – The upset Kings go to the HOH room to talk to DX and find out what’s going on. DX says he didn’t want to nominate two Jokers because he’s afraid there will be a double eviction and he’d have them all coming after him.
6:43 PM BBT -Derek X also says he thought putting SB up would throw people off that were suspicious of the Royal Flush. He says Hannah is suspicious already and if he didn’t touch the Kings that would look really suspect.
6:45 PM BBT – DX says he told SB that she’s not going home. He says he understands if they want to end the Royal Flush since he didn’t discuss the plan with them.
6:46 PM BBT – Xavier asks DX if Britini is the target. DX says yes. X asks what if Britini wins veto. DX says it would have to be another Joker go up. DX says they just have to hide that from the Jokers. X says so they all need to act pissed.
6:54 PM BBT – Christian tells DX they won’t hold this against him as long as Sarah Beth stays, of course. Christian says he’s grateful it’s not himself on the block and thanks DX for that. X says they will make sure SB stays and Alyssa agrees, saying they have DX’s back.
6:46 PM BBT – DX tells Azah he is mentally drained and asked if his HOH is Frenchie level.
7:34 PM BBT – Sarah Beth tells Kyland if she wins HOH next week she’s sending DX home.
7:45 PM BBT – DX catches up with Tiffany and Claire. He tells them that he talked to Sarah Beth and says they should work with her if she stays this week. Tiffany says she isn’t worried about SB going after Hannah or her anymore.
7:53 PM BBT- SB tells Xaiver she doesn’t think Kyland knew and doesn’t think he’s running DX’s HOH like Christian suggested.
8:50 PM BBT – HGs having dinner.
9:35 PM BBT – Christian and Alyssa want to nom Hannah and Azah then BD DX.
9:44 PM BBT – HGs give Tiffany a birthday cake.
10:10 PM BBT – Royal Flush meets in HOH room. DX says Britini is the target with everyone but the Jokers in on the plan.
10:40 PM BBT – DX talks with Sarah and tells her the timing worked out great for this situation though he fears he could leave soon after Christian. Sarah says the Kings don’t suspect their real plan.
11:00 PM BBT – Alyssa and Christian plotting how they want Hannah and DX out next. Xavier joins and Christian tells him he’s trying to convince Britini to throw the Veto.
12:00 AM BBT – Hannah asks DX if she can host Veto.
12:05 AM BBT – Hannah tells DX she was surprised he went with Sarah over DF. She shares that Sarah said she wasn’t coming after her. DX believes it but Hannah says he’s being naive. DX wants her (H) to win HOH next week but she reminds him how great players have avoided HOH.
12:20 AM BBT – Hannah, Tiffany, and Claire discussing that it might be better for Sarah to go instead of Christian. Tiffany wonders if they can get Christian to win Veto and not use it.
1:00 AM BBT – DX talks with Kyland about what they can do if noms stay the same. He says they can get Britini out.
1:30 AM BBT – Hannah and Kyland discussing the evicted HGs and what their real backgrounds could be.
1:45 AM BBT – Lights out.
Big night for the HGs with all the excitement of the nominations and the Kings’s trio of Xavier, Christian, and Alyssa scrambling to figure out where they are in the mix. The Veto is coming up on Saturday and this will set or derail DX’s plans.
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