Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Weekend Roundup – Week 6

Shrink Ray gun on BB22

Big Brother 22 spoilers have been busy in the All-Stars house since Thursday’s episode ended. Catch up below on everything that’s been happening including noms, the Basement twist, and a surprise outcome for the Veto comp and what that means for the week.

Endurance HOH Comp:

Houseguests faced The Wall for a chance at the HOH power this week and this group held on a lot longer than I would have expected for most of them. Well, not all of them did so great but the threat of Have-Nots for the first three to drop was motivation enough to keep a few of them in the game.

The final four standing (hanging on) were Cody, Tyler, Dani, and Nicole but only one could come out the winner and soon Dani had her first win of the season. Read the full HOH recap report >>


Dani came up with her noms quick and set them for David and Kevin but that wasn’t meant to last long thanks to the BB Basement twist. She didn’t know that at the time though of course and her thoughts on a potential BD were rushed into action. Read the full Noms results report >>

BB Basement Twist:

David had the Disruptor Power that let him zap a nomination after it had been announced. So sure enough, when his picture was revealed on the noms board it was a no-brainer for him to put it into action, forcing Dani to name a renom just hours after her original noms were announced. Read the full report on the Disruptor Renom >>

Power of Veto Competition:

It only took three seasons to make it happen but Da’Vonne got her victory. After being drawn to play in the PoV comp Dani asked Day to play hard, win the Veto, and then keep noms locked down. Would Day really be willing to leave her last ally on the Block? A subtle campaign might have worked but not the full-court press these HGs delivered after the comp. Read the full Veto Comp results report >>

Power of Veto Meeting:

At first I thought, maybe maybe Day would be willing to gamble with leaving Kevin on the Block against the bigger target to appease Dani but as soon as everyone started pledging their support to Kevin the flags went up faster than Nicole finding a new victim role to play. Now it looks like Day knows she has to put that Veto into play and force yet another renom on Dani. We’ll see for sure on Monday afternoon.

What do you think of this weekend’s Big Brother spoilers? Are you happy with the results or did you want someone else to pull off the wins? If you have our Big Brother App then you received alert notifications as these results arrived. If you don’t have it, then be sure to download our app now!



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