Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Week 4: Saturday Highlights

Enzo on Big Brother 22

Veto Day arrived for Big Brother 22 in Week 4 and delivered some sparks in our Saturday as we are finally going to see some action at Monday’s meeting. Find out what it means for the Noms this week and the latest plans for this week’s vote now that the Power of Veto is in the hands of a Houseguest.

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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights – Saturday, August 29, 2020:

7:30 AM BBT – Kevin has been up for a bit and is camtalking to Alfonso. Kevin is stressed, no kidding, and talking about his worries and his determination to win the Veto.

9:00 AM BBT – HGs are slowly getting out of bed.

10:20 AM BBT – Franzel encourages Kevin to win the Veto or at least be part of the fight to block Kaysar from winning as it’ll be 5 against 1.

10:35 AM BBT – David shares that his goal for this summer was to be on Love Island.

11:10 AM BBT – Dani is upset and tells Franzel that Kaysar asked Enzo if she threw him under the box. She thought he trusted her more but then says she doesn’t care because he’s going home. Franzel complains that Cody doesn’t let her talk and she just has to listen to him talk about HGs.

1:40 PM BBT – Feeds return from players being picked.

1:45 PM BBT – Kaysar notes that Tyler gets picked every time. Bay agrees.

1:50 PM BBT – Enzo is frustrated and tells Tyler he isn’t going to get rid of the rookie David during his HOH despite Da’Vonne’s pushing. He thinks Day will get BD’d soon and hopes Christmas will do that.

1:55 PM BBT – Tyler tells Enzo he wants Dani out soon but he also wants Day gone. Enzo says Dani is the source of a lot of trouble in the house and needs to go. Enzo toys with the idea of BD’ing Dani. He says she can’t be trusted and is talking about all of them. He doesn’t think she’ll bother winning anything because she feels protected by everyone.

2:10 PM BBT – Cody joined Enzo and Tyler. Enzo wonders how upset Franzel would be if he BD’d Ian.

2:15 PM BBT – David tells Ian the audience would love to see the outsiders rally and stop getting picked off. Ian says they need to talk more. Ian feels Enzo won’t want the noms changed if someone else wins the Veto. David agrees but says nothing will change if no one is willing to ruffle feathers. Ian worries he’s an outsider. David agrees and says that’s why they’re talking now.

2:30 PM BBT – Franzel is complaining about Janelle again and regrets inviting her to the wedding. She’s worried about which Goodbye message they played for Janelle despite her asking to record a new one.

2:40 PM BBT – Franzel is still complaining about Janelle…

2:45 PM BBT – Kaysar tells Bay he didn’t come here to sit around and get picked off. He’s going to campaign and fight to stay. Kaysar warns Bay that the big alliance has control of the votes and points out that David felt he was safe on the first day he was nominated because he knows who controls the game and had been assured safety.

2:50 PM BBT – Kaysar warns Bay to not fall for any claims that she was suddenly out of favor for having a conversation with another targeted HG. He says she was never truly good with someone who makes that claim.

3:05 PM BBT – Bay tells Day that Kaysar is putting his safety on her and that she has to win for him. She doesn’t like that pressure or attitude.

3:10 PM BBT – Tyler points out that the first three evictees have all been AFPs and he’s the only AFP winner left in the house. Franzel tells him that means he’s next.

3:25 PM BBT – Bay is surprised to hear Enzo is considering BD’ing Ian. Day tells her that appears to be the plan if someone comes down. Day is upset that Kevin picked David with HG Choice because he knows David tried to ruin her game, per Day.

3:30 PM BBT – Day wants Kaysar to win Veto then she’ll go to Enzo and say he has to renom David or else it’ll prove there’s an all-guys alliance.

3:40 PM BBT – Day challenges Kevin as to why he picked David over her. He says he needed someone who could outperform Kaysar as a backup in case he himself can’t win it. Kevin also notes that Day scared him with her comment last night that he needed to win Veto and make himself safe.

3:50 PM BBT – Memphis tells Christmas he wants Kaysar gone next even if he’s up against David. Christmas worries David would nom the two of them together. Memphis worries Kaysar would target Cody and Tyler.

4:20 PM BBT – Kaysar asks Memphis if he’ll help change up the way this game is going. Kaysar says fans are watching and shouting for them to “f**king do something!”

5:55 PM BBT – Bay and David agree that neither would use the Veto if they won it.

6:15 PM BBT – Bay reports back to Day that she thinks Day is safe with David. Bay says David isn’t as far off their game goals as she thought he might be.

6:40 PM BBT – Franzel complains to Christmas that Bayleigh is wearing Janelle’s clothing (Janelle left items for Bayleigh as a friend) and feels that means Bayleigh has the same goals (getting out Franzel). Christmas says she hopes she wins HOH next so she can make her mark on the season by putting Day and Bay up together on the Block.

6:50 PM BBT – Franzel says she wants Bay out next because she’s still attached to Janelle. Franzel calls Bay “sassy” and feels she is being mean to her, so she needs to go.

6:51 PM BBT – Pet Loops arrive and the Veto comp is underway.

9:25 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Kevin is carrying the medallion. Kevin has won the Veto.

9:35 PM BBT – Cody tells Dani he expects Enzo to renom David. Dani thinks it’ll be Ian. They both commit to evicting Kaysar regardless.

9:45 PM BBT – Ian asks Dani what she thinks will happen. Dani says she has no idea. Ian says if he went up as a pawn it’d be a risky move.

9:55 PM BBT – Franzel again tells Dani that Bayleigh is too comfy in the game and needs to go. She doesn’t like that Bay told Christmas that she feels safe right now.

10:05 PM BBT – Franzel considers that she could nominate Kevin and David then BD Bay if she wins HOH. Dani encourages her this is a good plan.

10:35 PM BBT – Enzo is confident whoever goes up next to Kaysar will remain safe. Enzo says he might have considered alternate plans if Kaysar had won the Veto but he won’t do any of those just because noms are changing.

10:40 PM BBT – Kaysar asks Ian for his vote but Ian won’t commit. Kaysar tells him to be sure he doesn’t end up there with him.

11:00 PM BBT – Cody and Franzel compare plans. They both want to nominate David and Kevin with a BD objective. Franzel says Dani warned her Bay would put her (F) up against Memphis. Cody calls BS and says Franzel needs to stop believing everything Dani tells her.

11:05 PM BBT – Cody encourages Enzo that whatever he wants to happen this week will because they control the votes. Franzel tells Enzo she’s okay with him putting Ian up as a pawn. Enzo says he doesn’t want to do that.

11:10 PM BBT – Franzel complains to Enzo that Bay said she felt comfortable this week. She really doesn’t like that and asks Enzo not to repeat that.

12:30 AM BBT – Franzel, Cody, Tyler, and Dani discuss in the HOH room that if Ian goes up then Memphis may try to flip the vote.

12:35 AM BBT – Enzo and Kevin promise to not nom each other in the future. (Enzo had previously promised Kevin this was a one-time thing from him and never again.)

12:40 PM BBT – HOH group discuss that no one should do a hinky vote this week to make sure nothing messes up.

1:00 AM BBT – Bay suggests to Enzo that if a big target goes up at the renom they can vote that HG out and then worry about Kaysar next week.

2:30 AM BBT – Enzo chats with Day that he likes Kaysar’s efforts to get back into the groups but says it’s time for Kaysar to go.

3:25 AM BBT – Enzo tells Cody and Dani that Christmas offered to go up as a pawn. They are happy with that plan and feel the house won’t send out a fourth woman in a row.

Enzo talked up a lot of plan Bs but instead, it sounds like he’s going to easy and “safe” route by sticking to getting out Kaysar this week. He’ll get a pawn to go along for the plan and the house will send out the second half of Jaysar on Thursday. At least we’ll finally see the Veto get some use this season.

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