Big Brother 22 Spoilers: Week 2 Roundup

Big Brother 22 Week 2 is almost played out in the house, so let’s play catch-up ahead of the next two episodes. Here is a rundown of everything that has happened this week, including the Power of Veto spoilers.

Head of Household

As we already know from last Thursday’s episode, Memphis became the second Head of Household of the season after a memory True or False game.

Safety Suite

On Sunday night’s episode, we saw a lot of people play in this week’s safety competition. It was Christmas who came out on top, though, and she chose Ian as her plus one for safety. Ian was given a space soap opera costume he has to wear and recite soapy dialogue when BB tells him too.


Memphis had his sights on Ian this week, but Christmas threw a wrench in that. So he went with “safe” nominees and put Nicole A and David on the block.

Power of Veto

Spoiler alert! This week’s Power of Veto won’t be revealed on TV until Wednesday night’s episode, but the Live Feeds let us know that Memphis also won the POV.

Veto Ceremony

The veto ceremony is set to go down later today, but don’t expect Memphis to use the veto. His alliance have been trying to get him to backdoor Janelle while Janelle has been trying to get him to backdoor Nicole F. Memphis is telling everyone it’s just too early to backdoor someone. So it looks like the initial nominations will remain.

Voting Talk

Of course it’s still early to know who will go home, but based on early voting talk, it sounds like Nicole A could be in trouble this week. She has Kaysar and Janelle in her corner (even though she thinks Janelle is behind her nomination), but everyone else is leaning toward keeping David. Memphis’ crew would rather Nicole A go because she can still play in the next Safety Suite competition and also because she’s a number for Janelle.

Nicole A is already feeling pretty defeated, and even had a talk with Da’Vonne Sunday night on whether or not she even still wants to be here. She says she shouldn’t have come on so soon after BB21 and should have just ended her BB career on a high note. Da’Vonne told her she should try to get her anxiety in check and fight to stay in the game.



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