Big Brother 22 Episode 5 Recap: Memphis Is Out For Revenge

On Sunday night’s episode of Big Brother 22, Memphis let us know that Dan beat him in Season 10 and Ian beat Dan in Season 14. So Memphis would like to get some revenge for his good friend Dan (and I bet it has nothing to do with the fact that Memphis couldn’t beat Dan so how could he ever beat someone who beat Dan) …

So needless to say, Ian is looking like a good target for Memphis, who won his first-ever Head of Household competition this week.

The Big Brother All-Stars episode picks up right after Memphis’ win. David is already sweating because he doesnโ€™t have a relationship with Memphis.ย Janelle isnโ€™t worried because she and Memphis do have a good relationship and theyโ€™re both old-school players.

Memphis first duty of HOH is to announce that the existing have-nots get to pick who will be the new have-nots this season. I really like this idea. Memphis was a have-not so he picks first. He goes with David. Ian is up next and asks for volunteers. Nicole F volunteers so that Ian doesn’t have to stress. Nicole A picks Christmas and Kevin picks Kaysar.

David knows for sure now that he needs to be sweating. He said since Memphis named him as a have-not he will probably be one of his nominees, so will definitely play in the Safety Suite competition this week.

Cody and Memphis meet up to discuss the upcoming nominations. Memphis says the easy route would be to put up Nicole A and David. But if he wants to make a move, he could go with Janelle and Kaysar. Or he could go with Ian as an option sooner rather than later. Cody agrees with everything Memphis said. So it sounds like the nominees short list this week are Nicole A, David, Kaysar, Janelle and Ian.

Of course, the Safety Suite competition could throw a wrench into any plans, so Memphis decides to hold off on any concrete decisions.

Memphis and Cody’s six-person alliance gets together to talk about how theyโ€™re going to handle the Safety Suite competition. Memphis wants some of the alliance to play so it doesnโ€™t look like theyโ€™re working together. Nicole F and Dani do not want to waste their Safety Suite pass this week when they donโ€™t have to.

After the group meeting breaks up, Nicole A goes to check in with Memphis. He tells her that he doesnโ€™t know what heโ€™s doing yet, so all he can recommend is that everyone play in the Safety Suite competition. Memphis plays the same hand with Ian. Ian realizes that Memphis wants everyone to play in the competition this week so Memphis has a better shot next week.

When the Safety Suite clock starts Memphis continues to pitch to people that they should play, and it works for Kevin. He decides that he wants to take his fate into his own hands this week. Nicole A decides to trust her gut and not play. Tyler, Dani and Nicole F decide to not take one for the team and arenโ€™t wasting their passes. That leaves Christmas and Cody from the alliance to play in the competition so it doesnโ€™t look too suspicious.

David, of course, decides to play based on Memphisโ€™ HOH and the Have-Not stuff. Bayleigh and Daโ€™Vonne arenโ€™t feeling too comfortable either, so they decide to play as well. Ian decides that he’s going to go for it also.

And after the clock to play runs out, Nicole A wonders if she made a mistake not swiping her pass. But she did make a good point when she said so many people decided to play, that lessened her chances of winning.

Letโ€™s get to the competition and see who pulls off the win. For this weekโ€™s competition, the HGs have to โ€œserve drinks at the BB Bar.โ€ They have to deliver some drinks to some wobbly tables and balance them so they don’t all off. The player with the fastest time wins safety. Everyone takes their turn, and the edit gives us no hint as to who actually did well and who didn’t. So let’s just check out the times.

Safety Suite results

Daโ€™Vonne – 8:41
Bayleigh – 2:48
Christmas – 1:38
Kevin – 2:22
Ian – 3:16
Cody – 2:44
David – 2:53

Christmas wins! And she picks Ian as her plus one. Memphis isnโ€™t happy that Christmas picked Ian for safety. You can see it on his face.

When Memphis talks with Christmas later, he canโ€™t hide his disappointment that she chose Ian for safety. He tells her that it wasnโ€™t a bad thing because there really was no good or bad choice, really. Memphis has five or six other choices, so he can save his Dan revenge for later in the season.

Cody catches up with Memphis to talk about who to go after now that Christmas took Ian off the table. Memphis says he could go ahead and go for Janelle, or he could go after Nicole A since sheโ€™s the only one no in their alliance who can play in the safety suite next week. Letโ€™s find out.

Itโ€™s time for the nomination ceremony. Memphis decides to spare Janelle and nominates Nicole A and David. He tells Nicole A that he nominated her because she didn’t play for safety. And he tells David something condescending like it’s time to sit at the grown-ups table. At any rate, Memphis is burning some bridges this week, so he’s lucky he convinced so many people to play in the Safety Suite this week to improve his chances next time.




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