Overnight the Big Brother 22 Houseguests settled in from the latest eviction with Da’Vonne off to Jury in a 5-2 vote and Kevin staying to fight another week as the perpetual pawn. Yes, it looks like he’s heading to his usual resting spot in the hot seats as the new HOH sets his plans for the week amid Dr. Will’s return to the Big Brother house.
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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights – Thursday, September 24, 2020:
10:08 PM BBT – Feeds return. Cody is wearing the HOH key.
10:10 PM BBT – HGs discussing the prize money that was up for grabs in the comp. It was won and split by two HGs but no one knows who it was.
10:30 PM BBT – Dani discussing the comp with Memphis. She used her power so he could play again. Both agree everyone will be playing hard for the Veto.
10:45 PM BBT – HGs are trying to figure out who “Charlie Moonves” is from Julie’s mention tonight. (It’s her young son and Thurs was his bday.)
11:15 PM BBT – Eno and Nicole discuss who Cody will nominate. They think it’ll be David and Kevin but would back him on a bigger move.
11:30 PM BBT – Christmas and Cody debate who to make the new HNs. Cody isn’t willing to give it back to David.
11:35 PM BBT – Tyler admits to Christmas and Cody that he was one of the $5K winners in the comp tonight. He doesn’t want the house to know.
12:05 AM BBT – Feeds are back from picking HNs. Enzo and Kevin are this week’s HN victims.
12:10 AM BBT – Cody says he plans to put David and Kevin up on the Block.
12:20 AM BBT – Enzo and Kevin discuss who Nicole is keeping her hands clean while working next to Cody who is doing all the work. They don’t think he’ll have the votes at the end of the game.
12:30 AM BBT – Memphis reveals to Christmas that Dani had the third power and used it so he could replay in the HOH comp. He promises her to watch out for anything Dani says and will let her know. Christmas is worried and says Dani has brought her name up four times this week.
2:00 AM BBT – Feeds are back from Cody’s HOH room reveal.
2:25 AM BBT – Christmas is alone in the Lounge and crying. She’s stressed by the game and all the “fake” HGs. She’s homesick.
2:45 AM BBT – Christmas is stressing Dani coming for her. She is hopeful that Memphis will pull through and get her to F2.
3:20 AM BBT – Cody discusses his noms plans with Nicole, Enzo, and Dani. He doesn’t want to have all the pre-ceremony meetings. Cody says he’ll give Kevin a warning in advance.
3:45 AM BBT – HOH crew debate Christmas as the renom. Dani is pushing for her to go up and out.
3:50 AM BBT – Nicole mentions to Enzo that Dani is fixated on getting out Christmas but it’s not the right move just yet.
4:00 AM BBT – Dani, alone with Cody, tells him she really wants Christmas out this week. She suggests Christmas would put them up together. Cody says Tyler is a bigger threat. Dani pushes again for Christmas and says she can’t make that move herself or it will look petty.
4:10 AM BBT – Kevin talking with Enzo and asks him to be honest. Enzo confirms Kevin’s expectations that he’s going up with David. Enzo says he wants both the guys to stay this week since they’re allies. Kevin says Dani and Memphis are working together since she used the Replay power on him.
4:20 AM BBT – Kevin tells Enzo Cody has already targeted him twice so how can he give Cody his Jury vote if it comes down to it. Enzo warns Kevin to not speak openly about Dani to Cody because he thinks Cody is running that back to Dani. Kevin says he knows both Dani and Nicole lied to him about voting to keep him.
4:30 AM BBT – HGs finally shutting down for the night.
No surprises here as Cody is going to put up David and Kevin. Dani wants Christmas out but Cody isn’t pressed on that. Now if the Veto gets used then I think he’d be willing to put her up, but that’d require either David or Kevin to win Veto, so yeah…
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