Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Week 1: Wednesday Night Highlights

It was Eviction Eve in the Big Brother 22 house, and Kevin has calmed down on his promises and campaign, but Keesha finally decided to amp hers up. She might have waited until the 11th hour, but she did end up putting in some work. But was it enough to sway enough people to keep her?

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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights – Wednesday, August 12, 2020:

3:47 PM BBT – Janelle and Ian talk about the vote. Neither know what is going to happen, but Janelle says she doesn’t want to be in the minority with this vote.

3:55 PM BBT – Nicole F tells Tyler she feels like the house will be split next week. She thinks the other side will be Janelle, Kaysar, Kevin, Bayleigh, Da’Vonne and Nicole A.

4:00 PM BBT – Day asks Keesha how she’s feeling. She says she has a gut feeling that Kevin is staying. Keesha says everyone is avoiding her. Day says she hasn’t heard either way but she says if she finds out she will tell her. Day tells Keesha she needs to just talk to people and solidify some things, even the people she thinks she has 100 percent.

4:06 PM BBT – Keesha tells Day she doesn’t understand why the girls always want to take out the girls. Day said Kevin is a girl’s guy though and likes hanging out with the girls.

4:10 PM BBT – Ian promises Kevin he has his vote and asks him to protect him in return. Kevin says he will definitely look out for Ian.

4:30 PM BBT – Kaysar tells Keesha that her only chance now is to go to Cody and say she’s a bigger target if she stays and can take the heat of Cody. He says promise Cody she won’t nominate him if she wins HOH.

4:45 PM BBT – Keesha catches up with Memphis and lets him know she thinks she’s going home. She says she doesn’t know why they want to keep Kevin because he’s such a floater.

4:55 PM BBT – Janelle tells Bayleigh she’s pretty sure Kevin is staying. Bayleigh agrees. Talk turns to what Nicole F would do if she won HOH. Janelle says she’d be nervous of a Nicole F HOH. Bayleigh doesn’t think she’d nominate the girls.

4:58 PM BBT – Janelle wants to know why the new rule is they have to vote out who the HOH wants. Bayleigh says it’s like an unspoken rule. Janelle said they used to play it the opposite and would keep who the HOH wanted out.

5:00 PM BBT – Janelle talks about how Season 6 had all girls at the end. Bayleigh says she would be OK with that this season and it’s possible because a lot of the males are softer this season. Janelle says yeah, but Cody and Tyler are definitely bro-ing out and have pulled David. Bayleigh says for sure but thinks David has no clue what’s going on. Janelle says she thinks David’s putting on a show and knows more than he lets on.

5:02 PM BBT – Bayleigh asks Janelle what she thinks Dani would do if she wins HOH. Janelle says Dani is all about girl power so she wouldn’t nominate the girls. Janelle says Dani isn’t afraid of anyone and she would be evicted to see a Dani HOH.

5:05 PM BBT – Bayleigh is energized by the girl power talk and realizes Keesha going home gives the guys the numbers. Janelle says that’s what she’s been saying. Bayleigh said that’s not good but they would be hard-pressed to get the numbers to keep Keesha.

5:28 PM BBT – Memphis is pulling Keesha’s chain about the vote. She says Cody wants people to vote her out so that’s what everyone is doing. Memphis said he didn’t think it mattered what the HOH wanted.

5:56 PM BBT – Da’Vonne and Nicole F are confused why Keesha didn’t start campaigning until now. They say they wanted her to fight more. Day says it’s like Keesha isn’t even playing the game.

6:00 PM BBT – Nicole F and Day discuss Janelle. Nicole wants to know if Janelle and Day are close. Day says no, but Janelle seems to want to connect to her so she says they’ve been slowing getting to know each other.

6:06 PM BBT – Day and Nicole F talk about how they feel good about each other and they should consider playing off the fact that people probably didn’t expect them to get along. Nicole F says they can create some fake tension with each other at some point.

6:25 pM BBT – Janelle and Enzo agree it wounds like Keesha is going. Enzo says neither nominee helps their game so who cares who goes. He also says they’ll probably still be in a Battle Back anyway. Talk turns to who the wild cards are in the game. They think Christmas and Memphis.

6:30 PM BBT – Enzo and Janelle continue sizing people up. Enzo says David is like a deer in headlights. Janelle says its’ crazy the first season he’s actually playing in is All-Stars.

7:35 PM BBT – Keesha asks Enzo what he thinks. He tells her he’s heard people like her and Kevin both so the vote is hard. He says he doesn’t know why people want to keep a floater like Kevin around. She agrees.

7:50 PM BBT – Keesha goes to talk to Cody. She follows Kaysar’s advice and tells Cody that between her and Kevin, she will be more of a target and a shield for him. Cody acts like he hasn’t been saying who he wants so Keesha says the house is waiting for him to say who he wants to go. She tells him she wouldn’t nominate him and she isn’t the kind of player to backdoor someone.

8:30 PM BBT – Nicole F and Cody discuss the possibility of Dani scheming. Cody and Nicole think she’s trying to convince them Janelle is cool with them. Cody says he tells Dani he is cool with Janelle but he’s not.

8:48 PM BBT – Cody says there’s a girls alliance and Nicole F and Dani promise him they’re not in it.

8:50 PM BBT – Nicole A tells Kevin she saw an alliance meeting happening in the back bedroom and it was Cody, Tyler, Nicole F and Dani.

9:04 PM BBT – Janelle lets it out that they aren’t going to just let them go home with how much they’re being paid. Janelle said she asked if she’s evicted week 1 or week 2 would she be going home to her family. She said no, they will be going home in September. Could this mean everyone is on the jury?

9:15 PM BBT – Keesha tells Christmas she thinks she has a decent number of votes to stay. She says she just wants the girls to not do what they always do and vote out a girl first.

9:25 PM BBT – Day tells Kevin she’s sure they have the votes to keep him. She says it’ll be her, Nicole A, David, Dani, Bay, Tyler, and Enzo. Kevin shares that Ian promised him his vote too.

9:40 PM BBT – Memphis tells Cody he plans to nominate Ian and Bayleigh if he wins HOH.

9:45 PM BBT – Cody thinks they can trust Dani because she gives him information but he isn’t sure where she’s getting it as she’s vague on her sources. Memphis worries Dani and Christmas could be close.

11:40 PM BBT – Janelle is working on Bayleigh and Christmas to keep Keesha. She questions why they would be worrying about making Cody happy with their vote and should instead do what benefits them the most. Bayleigh agrees Keesha is probably better for her game but she thinks the house is leaning to keep Kevin and she doesn’t want to be part of the push to keep Keesha.

11:55 PM BBT – Nicole A checks in with Cody and Enzo. They’re expecting Kevin to stay with maybe just a few votes against him.

12:05 AM BBT – Bayleigh joins the HOH group and relays that Janelle is pushing to keep Keesha and said Day was going to keep Keesha but Bayleigh doesn’t believe that.

12:25 AM BBT – Cody and Bayleigh alone discuss Janelle. She says Day doesn’t trust Janelle and they both agree Day has a good read on people. They don’t understand why she’d be pushing to save Keesha when it’s hurting her (J) position in the game right now.

12:50 AM BBT – Ian checks in with Cody. Cody asks what Ian would do with his HOH noms but Ian won’t answer that.

1:45 AM BBT – Cody, Day, Bay, and Dani discuss Janelle and her efforts. Dani thought Janelle was trying to form an all-girls alliance. Cody claims he wasn’t going to put Janelle on the Block.

2:05 AM BBT – Dani stayed to talk with Cody. He tells her he heard Janelle was telling others that Day was keeping Keesha but Day told him she was keeping Kevin.

2:15 AM BBT – Dani hopes Tyler will win HOH. Cody says he’d use his Safety Suite card, in that case, to throw people off.

2:20 AM BBT – Dani promises Cody that she’s always loyal to her person in the game and he is her person this time.

2:30 AM BBT – Dani tells Cody that Memphis’ wife was her wedding planner, so she thinks she’s good with him.

2:35 AM BBT – Cody likes Memphis as an ally but Dani warns Memphis thinks he’s running the house and will ruin his game in the process.

3:05 AM BBT – Dani mentions how Ian claims to not watch the show anymore but then specifically mentioned a recent season comp. Dani says they can’t forget how smart Ian is.

4:00 AM BBT – Dani finally heads downstairs as the last two go to sleep.

Earlier in the day Janelle had decided it was fruitless to pursue keeping Keesha. She should have listened to her own advice. Another push to send out Kevin put more HGs on alert against her and she’s going to be in a tough spot in the coming week.

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