Big Brother 22 Live Feeds Week 8: Wednesday Daytime Highlights

It is Eviction Eve inside the Big Brother 22 house and the Big Brother All-Stars are still thinking a lot about what Dr. Will said in his video message to them. The day started off a little slow with the Big Brother HGs lounging and chatting about life, but there was some game talk a little later in the afternoon between some of The Committee members. Read on for details!

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Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Wednesday, September 30, 2020:

9:26 AM BBT – Kevin is camtalking in the love lounge about how Enzo acknowledges that his weakness is mental comps and he is giving Cody full control. He adds that Cody isn’t going to take Enzo to the end, he’s going to take David or Nicole.

9:45 AM BBT – The HGs are waking up.

11:00 AM BBT – General chatter while the HGs get ready for the day.

11:18 AM BBT – Dani joins Christmas and Memphis in the living room and they wonder if they will keep the HNs around after this week. Dani thinks they will. They then start to speculate about the meaning of Dr. Will’s video yesterday.

12:00 PM BBT – Some HGs are eating breakfast and talking in the kitchen while Memphis walks laps upstairs.

12:51 PM BBT – Dani tells Nicole that she can’t believe how many people are still here.

1:00 PM BBT – Enzo tells Cody that Kevin asked him to vouch for him with Cody and how Kevin won’t go after Cody if he stays. Enzo mentions that Kevin said that Cody was neutral and leaving up to the house but in the back of his head he was saying “you’re going home.” Cody says that he knows too much and has to go.

1:13 PM BBT – Christmas, Enzo, and Cody are talking about the words “three steps ahead” in the video from Dr. Will. Enzo thinks it’s a DE into a speed week, but Christmas says that they have never given us an inclination about a DE. She thinks that it has to do with the comp.

1:18 PM BBT – Cody says that he thinks that Kevin came back to gain followers and monetize. Cody says they all came here to play and win the game.

1:23 PM BBT – Cody tells Christmas and Enzo about how he was giving David a hard time about the $10k. Tells them that he told David it gives people a reason to vote him out.

1:49 PM BBT – Christmas tells Enzo that the only people she would use the POV on other than herself are Memphis and him.

2:01 PM BBT – Christmas says that she thinks that it needs to be Dani, Nicole, then David. They agree that they love Nicole, but she is bound to start winning comps. Christmas says that when she does, she is going to target pairs like her and Memphis.

2:10 PM BBT – Enzo tells Christmas and Memphis that he wants to tell Kevin that it’s done for him because he has to share the HN room with him and it’s too much.

2:24 PM BBT – Christmas leaves the HOH room and Memphis tells Cody that she has been talking about putting Nicole and Dani up if she wins HOH. Memphis tells Cody that he told her that all she has to do is tell him who she wants gone and it’s done.

2:35 PM BBT – Cody tells Memphis that Dani is overplaying and trying to stay three steps ahead and running up to everyone asking them who they would put up.

2:39 PM BBT – Dani and Enzo are talking about how done with this week they are. Enzo tells her he is at the point where he doesn’t even want to game talk anymore, he just wants to hide.

3:15 PM BBT – After the feeds were down for just over 30 minutes, they return to Cody and Nicole talking about how lost David is in this game.

Kevin isn’t giving up easily and did a lot of campaigning, but it doesn’t seem to have helped him at all. The HGs are still speculating on what could happen after Dr. Will’s video message to them on Tuesday. One thing is for sure, Kevin is still the plan for the first of three evictions for Thursday night. Who else will we see leave the Big Brother?

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearโ€™s Live Feeds which means itโ€™s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

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