The day before eviction day in the Big Brother 22 house and not much went on in this first half of the day. The HGs got a task to do for the live feeders which was streamed on Facebook Live. After that, the HGs dispersed and made small talk around the house.
If you’ve got the Live Feeds (Free Trial) then you can watch all of these moments with the Flashback feature to go back and watch those important conversations or funny scenes you may have missed.
Big Brother 22 Live Feed Highlights โ Wednesday, August 12, 2020:
8:57 AM BBT – Memphis and Kaysar are talking in the SR. Memphis is saying that keeping Keesha is a vote for him later, but Kaysar reminds him that it could end up costing him in the end. Kevin walks in and things get a little awkward. Memphis and Kaysar leave the SR and agree that they don’t want to rock the boat this week.
9:35 AM BBT – The HGs get their wakeup call.
10:46 AM BBT – Dani tells Janelle that she Tweeted something about her today.
11:13 AM BBT – Dani tells Nicole F that Memphis is annoying her. She talks about how some of them were talking about alliance names and Memphis brought up The Usual Suspects, but it’s copywritten so they can’t use it.
11:19 AM BBT – Kaysar tells Janelle that they might have to just go with the plan to keep Kevin. He also mentions that he thinks Cody wants to work with them, but isn’t sure he trusts that yet. Janelle wonders who Cody’s target would be if he won HOH again in a couple weeks. Kaysar thinks that Memphis might be.
11:21 AM BBT – Janelle wants to tell Keesha an hour before eviction so that she isn’t blindsided. Kaysar thinks she will probably know by then anyway.
11:48 AM BBT – Kevin is reading scriptures to Da’Vonne in the comicbook room and the rest of the HGs are spread out chatting.
11:54 AM BBT – Tyler is talking about how he had to delete his Twitter for a while because everyone on Twitter hates him.
1:03 PM BBT – Cody comes out of the DR and tells everyone to come to the living room, BB has an activity they want them to do.
1:05 PM BBT – Cody tells everyone that they are going to be having a Great Big Brother Debate that is being streamed live on Facebook right now!
1:06 PM BBT – The first question is which HG do you think cried the most in the house? They name people like Vanessa, Josh, Christie Murphy, Josh Martinez, Keesha, and Bunky. Josh had the most votes.
1:09 PM BBT – Which past HG do you wish was here right now? Derrick, Danielle Reyes, Rachel Rielly, Josh Martinez, and a few others.
1:13 PM BBT – What’s your favorite competition? OTEV is the favorite.
1:16 PM BBT – What’s the worst punishment a HG has had to endure? Sam’s robot, Chicken George on slop for 55 days, Alex’s campfire and hotdog punishment. Chicken George on slop wins.
1:20 PM BBT – Not including anything in the house now, who is the most attractive person in BB history? Jeff for the men and Amber for the women.
1: 28 PM BBT – What is your all time favorite BB twist? Exes and twins.
1:31 PM BBT – Who is the funniest HG in BB history in the DR? Brittney.
1:35 PM BBT – What is your favorite BB season? They all started naming random seasons instead of voting on one in particular.
1:58 PM BBT – Christmas is telling Franzel about how she went up to see Cody and some of the others from the group and they were all laughing and having a good time.
2:03 PM BBT – Christmas tells Franzel that she talked to Bayleigh and asked her about Janelle. Bayleigh said she felt good about Janelle and when Christmas asked if Janelle felt good about Christmas, she said she didn’t know.
2:13 PM BBT – Kevin and Janelle are talking about the Safety Suite next week and Janelle asks if he would use his plus one on her if she voted to keep him. He said he isn’t that easy. He half jokingly said “maybe if you were campaigning for me and getting me votes.” He then says that he doesn’t want her to campaign against Keesha though.
2:19 PM BBT – Enzo touches base with Kevin and tells him that he has Tyler’s vote. Kevin tells him that he has Franzel and Enzo says “you’re staying.”
2:30 PM BBT – Bayleigh is having a good cry in the key bedroom.
2:42 PM BBT – Nicole A tells Janelle that she thinks the house is leaning towards keeping Kevin. Janelle says that either way works for her.
3:00 PM BBT – Feeds cut to kitty cams.
Seems like the HGs needed something to do so Big Brother delivered a debate, which didn’t really have a lot of debating to it. There wasn’t any real campaigning going on in the house today, just a lot of chatter about life. Janelle and Kaysar have come to terms with Keesha’s inevitable eviction and plan to break the news to her prior to the eviction tomorrow.
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