Big Brother 22 Episode 11 Recap: More Of The Same

Big Brother 22 has already turned into one of those seasons where a big alliance steamrolls everything, giving us the same targets week after week. Here’s to hoping the second half of the game is more exciting than the first half.

And before someone says I’m being negative or unrealistic, just think about this: We had TWO segments on Christmas’ punishment. This is an All-Stars season and half of the episodes are filler. But before this turns into an op-ed, let me get back to the actual recap of Sunday night’s episode.

We pick up during the Head of Household competition. For this competition, the first three people to sink all of their balls in round one moves on. Then the next round does the same. Then those six compete in the final heat to determine the next HOH. It’s sort of a deconstructed game of skeeball.

But first, let’s see what was up with those rogue votes last week. Dani lets us know that she voted to evict Kaysar because she wanted to give Janelle a pity vote but to also stir up drama in the house. Enzo, however, doesn’t share his thoughts on his rogue vote yet.

Kaysar is the first to sink his three balls. Enzo is the second player to advance. David is the final to advance from the first round. In round two it’s Dani who sinks her balls first. Kevin is the next to move on, followed by Cody.

So for the final round it’s Kaysar, Enzo, David, Dani, Kevin and Cody.

And after a very close race, it’s Enzo who wins the competition. Kaysar, who really needed the win almost had it several times.

Now back to this rogue vote. Cody checks in with Dani and she denies throwing that winky vote even though she asked him to do it with her earlier in the week. Dani pins her vote on Bayleigh and then throws out Da’Vonne or Kevin as the other. Cody still thinks it was Dani. But she denies it even harder.

Finally Enzo gets to have his say on the vote, since he was the the other vote. Cody suggests to Enzo that one of the votes was Dani. Enzo holds onto his secret but lets Cody believe one of them was probably Dani.

And now it’s time for the pointless Have-Not ceremony. Enzo picks Tyler. Cody picks Da’Vonne. Bayleigh picks Dani.

Let’s get to some creative editing that attempts to build some nomination suspense. Kaysar goes to talk to Enzo. And I think it goes something like this.

Kaysar: “Meow, meow.”

Enzo: “Yo.”

Kaysar: “Don’t put me up.”

Enzo: “Yo, yo.”

Kaysar: “Thank you and good day, sir.”

Enzo: “Yo, yo, yo.”

That’s not verbatim, mind you. I just know that scene was included so we might think Enzo isn’t going to nominate Kaysar. But come on, we know that’s exactly who he is going to nominate.

So let’s just find out who the other nominee will be. At the nomination ceremony, Enzo nominates Kevin along with Kaysar. More of the same, basically.



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