Tonight it’ll either be Christmas or Tyler who leave the Big Brother 22 house and head off to jury. Those votes against Nicole really sealed their fate, but which one will it be?
Cody’s initial target was Christmas, and the way she’s been annoying everyone, it was going to be an easy vote for Enzo. And since Nicole does whatever Cody wants, Christmas was toast. But Memphis still has his deal with Christmas so he definitely wasn’t going to vote her out. Enzo also realized that Christmas wasn’t going to touch him so Tyler started looking like the better choice. Enzo tells Cody that Tyler sold out the Committee and made up that plot to get Enzo out and Cody’s target shifted. Nicole has gone back and forth on both, but has also now landed on Tyler.
So unless something changes today during the Live Feeds outages, Tyler will be the one to go in a 3-0 vote. And that really does make the most sense, I think. Even if Christmas is annoying everyone and a self-proclaimed “comp beast,” this would be Tyler’s third time escaping the block. And he’s good at competitions, so he could easily win out to the end. And then he would 100 percent deserve to win the game. So not voting him out would be a big mistake.
We are pretty certain Tyler is going tonight, but let’s check out what you all think based on out weekly eviction poll results. This is the closest poll we’ve had this season. You guys also think it will be Tyler but only with 59.51 percent of the vote. That makes a lot of sense, since the target had changed, and a lot of people had faith Tyler would be able to get himself out of being evicted once again. But I think his earlier gameplay this season has come back to haunt him and this just won’t be his season (again).
Do you think it will be Tyler who leaves the Big Brother All-Stars house tonight?