The Big Brother 22 Final 5 is about to become the Final 4. And who will be joining Cody, Nicole and Enzo in that very pivotal week? Will it be Christmas or Memphis?
There has been some back and forth between Cody and Enzo on who they want to go tonight. Both are really just over Christmas and would love to see her go, but Nicole is set on Memphis going. And really, Cody is too. He argues that Memphis or Christmas would both cut him, and since Memphis is better at competitions, then he should go over Christmas.
Cody also learned from Memphis that he won the Final 4 veto in his season and has been stuck on that since. Of course Cody never saw that season or that would have never been a surprise to him.
So as of now, it sounds like Cody and Memphis will be voting for Memphis to leave the house tonight. There’s a chance something could still change since Enzo has really been pushing for Christmas to go, but Cody has ruled the entire season, so don’t expect him to let someone else have what they want. We predict Memphis will be walking out the door tonight.
And according to our Big Brother 22 eviction poll this week, you, the readers seem to agree. More than 85 percent of the voters chose Memphis over Christmas. We are all really confident, which says a lot about this season. Nothing unpredictable has happened one time this entire time.
What do you think will happen tonight? Do you still expect it to be Memphis who joins the Big Brother All-Stars jury and just misses his second trip to the Final 4? Who would you vote out if you were in the BB house? I personally think I’d go for Christmas. I believe Memphis would keep Cody over Nicole, whereas Christmas would never.