Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Week 5 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother

Nomination spoilers are in for the latest round of Big Brother 21 thanks to the Live Feeds spoilers and we’ve got the results for you. Read on to find out which two HGs are on the Block and what’s next for the rest of the house.

Holly beat out Analyse last night for the HOH so she’s calling the shots but let’s be clear, their plans would have been interchangeable this round. Nick is the target, Sam is the acceptable target, and they’ve got a slew of backup options to boot.

Big Brother 21 Week 5 Nominations:

  • Holly nominated: Nick and Sam

Veto could decide which of these two heads out the door next. Sam has won the Veto twice but those can be wild card comps and anyone’s game. We’ll have to see what happens on Saturday before we can really guess at who is going home this week.

And if you were hoping deep down Holly might make a big move. Nope. Not going to happen, not even with a renom. Put this one on cruise control and rest your hopes.

What do you think of these picks? Smart choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.

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