Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Week 5: Friday Night Highlights

It was nomination day in the Big Brother 21 house as the new Head of Household set her sights on the week’s targets. The HGs also learned a little later in the evening that the have-nots this week are the three people who dropped out of the HOH competition.

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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, July 26, 2019:

3:30 PM BBT – Sam talking to Holly about what she plans to do with her nominations. He has a good feeling she’s putting him up. He tells her that he doesn’t see what Jessica has to offer over himself. He then asks why they’re breaking their plan for them to all get to jury. Holly says he can blame that on Nick because he broke everything first.

3:37 PM BBT – Holly tells Sam she’s still not completely certain what she’s going to do. He tells her again that he and Nick have so much more to offer her than her other nomination offers. She says she just can’t go against what the majority wants to happen this week. Sam says if people care about her and trust her then they would understand if she made a move that suited her own game.

3:46 PM BBT – Jackson asks Sam if he won HOH would he or Holly go on the block. Sam says 100 percent no.

4:10 PM BBT – Christie and Tommy have gotten the poison ivy punishment from the HOH competition.

4:52 PM BBT – Holly says she’s tired of Sam saying he’s less annoying than Jessica. Kathryn says that’s a rude thing for him to say. Holly says she loves Jessica.

4:21 PM BBT – HGs were talking about something religion-related and Jackson said he doesn’t want to talk about that topic in the house. He says he doesn’t want Live Feeders to hear them talk religion or politics.

5:01 PM BBT – Nick talking to cam says Jackson wants to keep him but he knows the others probably want him out. Nick says he will do whatever it takes to stay in the game. He says if he stays he will have to take out whoever they want because if he took a shot at them he would just be out the following week.

5:17 PM BBT – Feeds are down for the nomination ceremony.

6:00 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Holly nominated Nick and Sam.

6:02 PM BBT –  Holly talking to Jackson mentions Sam being really pissed of for being nominated. Jackson tells her she made the right decision.

6:12 PM BBT – Sam tells Nick he wants Nick to win the Veto and says he will even throw it to him. Nick asks why and Sam says because he thinks they would then backdoor Jessica.

7:08 PM BBT – Holly tells Jackson that if Nick or Sam win veto and come down she will put Kathryn up as a pawn because she knows no one will vote her out over whatever guy is still on the block.

7:10 PM BBG – Jackson says he can’t stand how self-centered Kathryn is.

7:50 PM BBT – Christie has been laying things out for Nick. She told him that she didn’t say she’d take a shot at Jackson (she kind of did) and then says she was upset he was being mean to people but now knows it must be because of whatever he has going on outside the game.

8:20 PM BBT – Christie tells Nick that if he stays this week it will give him a chance to start over. She says he won’t be a pair (Bella or Sam) and therefore won’t be the same kind of threat he was.

8:50 PM BBT – HGs wondering if there will be have-nots again this week.

9:13 PM BBT – Jessica tells Nicole they just have to keep the HOH happy this week and not use the veto because one of them would probably be the new nominee. They talk about what to say if either Nick or Sam ask them to use the veto on them.

9:58 PM BBT – Holly comes out with a message for the house. They all gather as she reads the card. She reads that the have-nots this week are the first three people who fell during the HOH comp: Jessica, Nicole, and Sam.

10:20 PM BBT – Sam tells Nicole he’ll probably pick money over the Veto tomorrow since he doesn’t think he’ll last here long anyway. Sam also believes Jess would go home over him if both are on the Block this week.

10:25 PM BBT – Kat tells Holly about the Cliff’s Angels alliance from last night. Kat says she doesn’t trust Nicole. They discuss how Kat knew beforehand about the vote flip on Nicole/Cliff and Nick confronted her on that. Holly says she almost nom’d Nicole today.

10:35 PM BBT – Tommy reminds Christie and Analyse about Holly admitting she was somewhat swayed by Bella mentioning how Jackson and Holly were at the bottom of the group.

10:40 PM BBT – Christie wants Nick to go this week. Analyse and Jack agree. Christie says they should see who the Unders are pushing to save and then do the opposite.

10:50 PM BBT – Cliff tells Holly he’d sandbag his performance in the Veto to avoid winning so he didn’t have to stick to his promise to use it.

11:20 PM BBT – Holly joins Jackson for a shower.

11:40 PM BBT – Have-Nots are settling in. Sam was having some struggles emotionally and feeling pretty down.

12:05 AM BBT – Jess and Kat are talking in the Bathroom. Kat mentions someone told Nick that she (K) knew about the vote flip before it happened. Kat denies knowing and notes how she voted with the minority.

12:30 AM BBT – Christie warns Nicole that Nick said he’d pick Jessica or Nicole because they’d be too afraid to win the Veto and use it so he thinks they’d lose intentionally. Jess declares she doesn’t like Sam or Nick and believes they have no morals. She also notes they want her out. Christie suggests only Nick, not Sam, wants Jess out.

12:50 AM BBT – Kat now telling Christie and Analyse that Nick approached her about knowing about the vote flip. Kat suggests it was Nicole and she (N) must have known because Tommy told her.

1:00 AM BBT – Christie retells to Analyse and Kat how she caught Nick lying about a conversation with Jackson.

1:10 AM BBT – AC seems to be on the fritz. HGs have gathered in the Storage room to find cold air.

1:50 AM BBT – Kat and Holly are the last ones up. They’re whispering in the kitchen on the advantages of getting Nicole out now or not.

2:15 AM BBT – HGs are asleep.

5:25 AM BBT – Jackson is up getting food from Storage and making another meal.

We had some good worrying and plotting in the house overnight for the Veto comp after the obvious nominations were confirmed. Now we’ve got to see what happens next with the comp and where this week will take us. Kat isn’t waiting though. She wants to make sure Nicole is primed as the renom, not her. Good thinking ahead, Kat.

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