Big Brother 21 Spoilers: Week 2 Whacktivity Comp

Whacktivity Comp on Big Brother 21

That’s Whack! Whacktivity Comp, I mean. Sigh. Who comes up with these ridiculous twist names? Anyway, the latest season’s twist has another set of five HGs facing off in some sort of camp-themed competition where they’ll battle for the “Chaos power” and who knows what that’ll do. Well, probably something chaotic but we’ll have to wait for Sunday’s episode to learn more.

This round we’ll get Holly, Tommy, Jackson, Sam, and Jack competing to win which means there probably won’t be a case of a secret power play here after this one. Ah well. Or maybe they’ll do something later if a new target suddenly emerges. Let’s hope for some drama here!

Big Brother 21 Week 2 Whacktivity Comp:

  • Jack won the Chaos Power

The Chaos Power allows Jack to force a do-over on the Veto players pick if he doesn’t like the results. He’ll have to stand up and reveal himself as the holder of the power so that can cause its own trouble later if his allies feel slighted that he didn’t entrust them with his secret after telling them he didn’t win.

This comp had the HGs handling snakes to match three snakes already in cases from a mix of lots different snakes. Everyone did incredibly well with what was required of them from what we saw in the episode. I’m surprised we didn’t have anyone bail when they saw the pile of snakes to dig through. Would you have been willing to reach in there?

What do you think of these results? Share your thoughts below.

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