Nomination spoilers are in for the latest round of Big Brother 21 thanks to the Live Feeds spoilers and we’ve got the results for you. Read on to find out which two HGs are on the Block and what’s next for the rest of the house.
Jack took over as the new HOH, receiving the torch from Christie after he narrowly beat out Jessica and she’s really going to regret that HOH loss with this one. She’s not the real target though but pawns are never safe either!
Big Brother 21 Week 2 Nominations:
- Jack nominated: Jessica & Kemi
Jack wants Kemi sent off to Camp Comeback and unless the Veto turns things around then he will probably get his wish. Should Kemi pull a win in the PoV then Kat is set as the renom pawn and in that case, I’d expect Jessica to be the one in trouble.
Someone now has the second Whacktivity power (Chaos) but we still don’t know the winner on that just yet. Could it impact these noms? Doubtful given all the players in this round’s challenge are on the same side. Then you’ve got Ovi holding onto a power that either he can’t use right now or was voided when he was voted out. Looks like we’re relying on the Veto for some drama and surprises this week.
What do you think of these picks? Smart choices by the HOH or a missed opportunity? Share your thoughts below.
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