It is Nomination Day in the Big Brother 21 house, but first, the HGs had to be filled in on this week’s twist! The HGs were told that America voted for America’s Prankster first thing this morning and then they were filled in on the power the Prankster would get. The HGs were called into the DR one by one to cover up who won it, but that didn’t stop the winner from telling America that they won. Read on to find out who it is.
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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights – Friday, August 23, 2019:
9:00 AM BBT – Feeds went from sleeping HGs to pet loops.
9:46 AM BBT – Feeds are back. HGs have been filled in on what America’s Prankster is all about. Holly will name one nom, Prankster will name the other and if the Prankster’s nom comes down at the POV Ceremony, they will name the renom. Each HG will be called into the DR one by one to find out if they won it.
9:47 AM BBT – Tommy is talking to Holly saying that he doesn’t want to be America’s Prankster, but he also doesn’t want to be put up because of it. Tommy also says that thankfully Holly won’t have all the blood on her hands this week and only one person will be mad at her.
9:54 AM BBT – Nick tells Holly that he would have put Christie and Jessica up if he won HOH this week. He also confirms with Holly that Jackson is not his target.
10:10 AM BBT – Jessica comes up to the HOH to campaign to Holly. Holly tells Jessica that their games are pretty aligned in ways (Nick being their target) and Jessica says that she would like to move forward with Jackson and Holly.
10:28 AM BBT – Holly is telling Jessica about how she is concerned because Christie’s campaign was to target Nick, but then there are talks of a possible deal that they both made to keep each other safe before the HOH.
10:40 AM BBT – Holly tells Jessica that she is worried her target and the Prankster are going to be one and the same. Holly says that if Jackson goes up, then comes back down with the POV and Jessica is renom’d, then she will be suspicious that Nick was the Prankster.
10:48 AM BBT – Nicole, Jessica, and Cliff are told to make pies and smash them in their own faces in slow motion. Cliff says that he is going to put a plastic bag down unless told otherwise, feeds cut, and when they come back there is pie all over the floor. (I’m assuming they said no to the bag)
10:52 AM BBT – Holly tells Christie she is relieved that she doesn’t have to use Christie as a pawn.
11:15 AM BBT – Holly and Christie talk Nick being her target and wondering if she will even be able to get him out with this new twist in play. They both agree that Nick could end up with the Prankster power.
11:25 AM BBT – Holly talks to Cliff now about how she is feeling better about the Prankster twist now. Cliff tells her that they have a pretty good chance to figure out who the Prankster is. It’s not Holly, it won’t be whoever they put up, and it most likely isn’t Jackson because of how close he is to the HOH. Holly tells him that she hopes that whoever it is, they will come to her and work with her.
11:29 AM BBT – Nick comes out of the DR and says “I’m never going to win anything.” Jackson says that they probably aren’t naming the winner right now because voting is probably still happening.
11:42 AM BBT – Nick walks to the bathroom, checks the boat room on his way and then thanks America, says he really needed that power. Tells America he loves us.
11:50 AM BBT – Cliff tells Holly that she has his and Nicole’s vote no matter how this goes.
12:18 PM BBT – Nick asks Nicole who she would put up against him if she wins Prankster. She says she doesn’t know. He says that he would probably put Christie or Jessica up if he won.
12:37 PM BBT – The HGs are called to HOH lockdown.
2:10 PM BBT – Feeds are back, the kitchen table is smaller.
2:15 PM BBT – Jackson tells Holly that if Christie won the Prankster, she would look bad putting him on the block. He thinks the only one that would put him up would be Jessica. Jackson says that he thinks that everyone would put Nick up, but she doesn’t want to bank on that because he might win the POV and she won’t be able to go up.
2:18 PM BBT – Jackson says that if he wins Prankster (they don’t think it’s been announced), he almost wants to target himself so that he could play in the veto and then BD Nick and take the blood off Holly.
2:19 PM BBT – Tommy and Nicole talk about being gullible and Tommy says that when he is pushed in a certain direction in his DR sessions that he is most likely going to say it just to give them what they want.
2:21 PM BBT – Jackson tells Holly that he thinks America would vote for Nick and then Holly wonders who he would put up next to himself. Jackson says the best chance Nick has to stay is against Jackson.
2:30 PM BBT – Jackson and Holly agree that Nick should be her nom because they know they can’t trust him, where they aren’t sure if they can trust Christie yet. They then talk about how Christie and Nick may have made a deal just hours after Holly and Jackson saved Christie.
2:35 PM BBT – Holly wonders if she should plant the seed that Christie and Nick might be working together. Jackson says that will burn their relationship with Christie. He suggests that she tells Christie everything Nick told her and let Christie handle it. Holly wonders if she should do it before or after noms and Holly says that she should do it now because if the Prankster hears them talk about it, it might get Christie on the block.
2:43 PM BBT – All of the HGs are being called into the DR and Nick and Nicole are speculating that they might be telling the Prankster that they won (they are probably covering up the Prankster in order to get the nom put in place). They then talk about if this power is really going to be anonymous or if that’s part of Prank Week.
2:55 PM BBT – Tommy joins the conversation with Nicole and Nick. They speculate who could be the Prankster, they think that Cliff could be it because he is the house prankster. Nick is wondering what he should do if he won it, should he go talk to Holly and try to bargain with it, or does he keep it to himself?
2:58 PM BBT – Tommy says that he doesn’t think Jackson would go up and Nick says he wouldn’t nominate him if he won it, that would be dumb. Nick mentions that Holly would be after whoever it is with a vengeance if Jackson went out on her HOH. Tommy says only if you get caught.
The HGs are currently being called back into the DR one by one, which is most likely so Nick can tell them who he is nominating for eviction this week. As of right now, Nick hasn’t mentioned anyone specific, but he knows that he will most likely be sitting next to his nominee this week. We will have confirmation for you a little later on after the Nomination Ceremony happens.
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