Big Brother 21 Live Feeds Week 12: Friday Highlights

It was a typically slow day for the final four in the Big Brother 21 house on Friday. The HGs lounged a lot, but we did get better insight as to what Nicole and Cliff are expecting of Jackson and Holly with this final 4 to final 3 deal. And it’s a lot more than Holly or Jackson are willing to honor. Read on to find out the latest plans for the upcoming veto competition. Nicole and Cliff will soon find out if they made the right decision keeping Holly over Tommy this past week.

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Big Brother 21 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Friday, September 13, 2019:

8:00 AM BBT – HGs got their wake-up call.

9:00 AM BBT – Feeds go from HGs in their beds still to pet loops.

1:22 PM BBT – Feeds are back. HGs said Ovi was there, they played some kind of game where Jackson won some money. Cliff says that he wishes he could have picked Ovi’s brain about the public’s opinion of the house.

1:27 PM BBT – Jackson mentions that he would give all the money back and then some in order for them to get family videos. He says that he feels bad and everyone tells him it’s okay and not to feel bad.

2:10 PM BBT – Holly worries Tommy was AFP and she stayed over him.

2:25 PM BBT – HGs can hear construction in the backyard for the Veto comp.

2:30 PM BBT – Cliff and Jackson are chatting in the RV room about the deal they made last night. Cliff wants to clarify the details.

3:05 PM BBT – Cliff chats with Nicole that he spoke with Jackson about the deal and also said he wasn’t going to take him (J) over Nicole to the end.

3:10 PM BBT – Nicole camtalks that she wasn’t sure about who to vote out and had leaned toward Tommy but worried he might take Cliff over her to F2. She knows Cliff wanted to keep Holly.

3:20 PM BBT – Jackson tells Cliff he’s not surprised that Cliff would take Nicole over him to F2.

3:46 PM BBT – Holly tells Jackson that she’s so mad she threw the HOH comp.

3:50 PM BBT – Nicole asks Holly that if Holly doesn’t actually throw the veto and plays to win if she would take Cliff to Final 3. Holly says if that’s what she has to do. Holly says at this stage they are all playing their own game and she will do what needs to be done.

3:57 PM BBT – Cliff asks Holly if she wins veto would their agreement still be in place (to evict Jackson and not Cliff). Holly says yes if that’s her only option.

4:06 PM BBT – Holly tells Cliff she would love to be in Final 3. Cliff says as long as she is in agreement that she takes Cliff and not Jackson. Holly says yes, if that’s what she has to do. Cliff says it is.

4:30 PM BBT – Jackson and Holly talk about what Nicole and Cliff were just telling her about sticking to their deal. Jackson tells Holly is he wins veto, he’s taking her and not Cliff. Holly will do the same.

5:05 pM BBT – Feeds have cut for the nomination ceremony.

5:46 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Nicole nominated Jackson and Holly.

5:52 PM BBT – Holly cam talks that she should’ve been the one running that nomination ceremony because that HOH was hers to win. She says she should not have been forced to throw it. She asks if she made a half-million-dollar mistake by sticking to her word.

6:35 PM BBT – HGs are laying around and napping. They get called out for it.

7:20 PM BBT – Holly and Jackson are still getting scolded for napping.

9:30 PM BBT – HGs having dinner.

10:00 PM BBT – Jackson is getting more pissed off thinking about Cliff and Nicole expecting Holly to throw veto. Jackson says he’s going to fight to win the veto, take himself off the block and evict Cliff. Jackson says why would he ever honor a deal with Cliff after Cliff said he would take Nicole to final 2.

10:01 PM BBT – Holly starts trashing Nicole, saying she is walking around high and mighty when the HOH was thrown to her. Holly says Nicole preaches against bullying but she bullied Holly into throwing the HOH. Jackson seems annoyed with Holly for saying that.

10:03 PM BBT – Cliff and Nicole think Holly will keep her deal and vote out Jackson. Cliff says he might even throw the comp to Holly if Jackson can’t win it.

10:06 PM BBT – Nicole says she has realized that if she wants to win this game she has to win her way to the end. She says she’s going to gun for Veto. Cliff says his deal with Jackson doesn’t include Nicole winning the veto, so she can win it and evict Jackson.

10:20 PM BBT – Holly tells Cliff that she is weirdly OK with not taking Jackson to Final 3.

10:25 PM BBT – Holly says she’ll fight for the Veto but only for her own protection, suggesting she’ll evict Jackson this round if she does win it.

10:30 PM BBT – Cliff says he wants all the deals out in the open.

10:32 PM BBT – Holly says it was very hard to throw the HOH comp. Nicole says she expected her to go back on that promise. Holly says Tommy would have but she didn’t. Cliff says that carries a lot of weight.

10:35 PM BBT – Nicole and Cliff shake that if she (N) wins Veto then he’ll vote how she wants. Nicole feels guilty for making Holly through the comp and thinks she (H) would have won. Nicole feels obligated to take her to F3. Cliff says he already promised Jackson so this would be hard for him to break that.

10:40 PM BBT – Nicole camtalks that she needs to win this Veto so Cliff will do what she wants and take Holly, not Jackson to the F3.

10:45 PM BBT – Cliff updates Jackson that he (C) has a new deal with Holly. He explains she can fight for the Veto but if she wins then she has to evict Jackson over Cliff. Jackson says okay and he’d be more upset with Holly if she kept him should voting him (J) out be better for her game.

11:35 PM BBT – Holly continues to agonize over throwing the HOH comp. Jackson tells her to use that for the Veto comp.

11:45 PM BBT – Jackson says he really hopes its a physical comp.

12:40 AM BBT – Cliff tells Nicole he’s confident both Holly and Jackson would take him (C) over each other.

12:45 AM BBT – Cliff camtalks that if he (C) wins Veto then he will keep his word and take Jackson to F3. Cliff thinks the deals he’s making are good and will be honored (nope). Cliff wonders about the Cody and Derrick decision and if he’s making a similar mistake by keeping a strong player.

1:00 AM BBT – Lights out.

Cliff seems to think he’s a sure thing for making it to F3 and probably F2 but Holly and Jackson don’t intend to keep that deal. Veto Day will decide a lot for the next round so we’ll be watching to see who takes control of the sole vote coming up!

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