It was Eviction Night for Big Brother 20 as we wait to find out who was voted last night, what happened with the returning challenge, and who would win Head of Household. It was yet another exciting live show for Big Brother with more unexpected results!
To catch you up we had Kaitlyn and RS on the Block together after Faysal decided to give his rose to Haleigh forcing Sam to name a renom. Now the house is trying to decide who to send out the door with the full knowledge that a chance to return awaits their evictee. Oh this is going to be good.
Don’t miss this week’s eviction episode! You can stream it live on CBS’s All Access in most markets across the US so you don’t have to miss any of the fun even if you’re out tonight.
Big Brother 20 Results – Week 4 Votes:
- JC votes to evict: RS
- Bayleigh votes to evict: Kaitlyn
- Haleigh votes to evict: Kaitlyn
- Faysal votes to evict: Kaitlyn
- Brett votes to evict: Kaitlyn
- Tyler votes to evict: Kaitlyn
- Angela votes to evict: Kaitlyn
- That’s enough votes.
- Kaycee votes to evict: Kaitlyn
- Rachel votes to evict: Kaitlyn
- Scottie votes to evict: Kaitlyn
By a vote of 9-1, Kaitlyn has been evicted from Big Brother 20!
Once the eviction is over the HGs will eventually head to the backyard to ready themselves for the night’s next big event, “but first” we need to see what’s going to happen with this Bonus Life twist challenge. Julie Chen tells Kaitlyn to head upstairs alone to face the Bonus Life challenge. The rest of the HGs will watch on the monitors downstairs.
Big Brother 20 Results – Bonus Life Challenge:
Kaitlyn has to disassemble and then reassemble a puzzle of herself on the other side of a “house.” She has 150 secs to complete the challenge…
- FAIL! Kaitlyn did not complete the puzzle challenge and has been evicted!!
Gallery: Bonus Life Challenge
Big Brother 20 Results – Week 5 HoH Comp:
There was no time for the comp in tonight’s show so we had to wait on the Feeds to watch for the results and after a few hours, we had them.
The Live Feeds are back now so we’ll be watching for the eviction fallout and the next rounds of planning for this week’s target. Grab the Free Trial and join us there now!
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