Big Brother 20 Twist: Bonus Life Power App Details

BB App Store

We’ve been waiting to hear how the Big Brother App Store would work and just what Sam’s new power would be for this week on Big Brother 20 and now the mystery has been revealed. Kinda. Mostly.

Live Feeds revealed to us that Sam had won this week’s trending position after she told Tyler she wasn’t going anywhere this week no matter what. Eventually, she made that safety very clear by telling him she won a power, but wouldn’t tell him much more.

During tonight’s episode of Big Brother we saw Sam receive the power and the full details on it. Here’s how it read:

“This power gives you or the Houseguest of your choosing the CHANCE to return to the game if evicted.

This power is good through the first four evictions. But here’s the catch, if the Bonus Life is not used at one of the first three evictions, the 4th person evicted automatically gets a chance to return to the game.”

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Here are the specific details on Sam's "Bonus Life" Power App prize. It's a might one. #BB20

— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) July 2, 2018

Okay, the obvious issue here is “the CHANCE to return to the game.” Only a chance, not a guarantee. So that’s probably some sort of competition or challenge Sam would have to face, right? Seems the most likely case. But further down it says if she doesn’t use it on herself or someone else by the end of the third week then the fourth week’s person would automatically get a chance to return. Well, I’m glad they could clear that up for us!

Sam was telling Tyler she wasn’t going anywhere, but that’s a much more certain statement than having a chance to come back. Hard to tell if she got more details in the DR or whether in her excitement she misread or misremembered all the details there.

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Exclusive Sneak Peek: Sam on Thursday when she realizes that power didn't work quite the way she was expecting. #BB20

— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) July 2, 2018

Meanwhile, Faysal got the Crapp and picked Hamazon Delivery even though he can’t eat ham for religious reasons. He has been receiving disgusting amounts of vegan ham which is not too appealing sounding and must not taste too great either considering he’s gotten sick from it at least once so far. Either way, both Sam and Faysal are excluded from future rounds of the BB App Store twist.

What do you think of this BB Power App? Would you have gone for the Bonus Life app too? Seems like an obvious choice, but we’ll learn more about the others in the coming weeks too.



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