‘Big Brother 20’ Spoilers: Week 9 Veto Ceremony Results

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This week’s Power of Veto meeting was held today in the Big Brother 20 house as the latest Veto winner had to decide whether or not to change up the nominations and force a new decision from the Head of Household. The results are in and we have this week’s final nominees.

No big surprises this week as we knew what to expect and so did half of the Block. After a good bit of panic from Haleigh she was soon relieved to discover that she wasn’t the real target after all. Instead, her showmance ally Faysal was the one HGs were after. Sure enough…

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 9

  • Kaycee decided NOT to use the Veto
  • Faysal & Haleigh remain this week’s final noms

Haleigh had been well informed that she was going to be safe this week and the Veto wouldn’t be used but when Faysal asked she had declined to share what we knew. Gotta look out for yourself at some point here and that’s what she’s doing.

Now Faysal is the most likely nom to be evicted but with the Jury Battle Back on its way we could be seeing him again without much wait.

This also marks the expiration of Tyler’s Cloud App, the last of the BB App Store twist. In the end, none of those twists were put into action. Ah well. They still had a great impact on the game even if it was indirect.

Who do you think will be the next Houseguest evicted? Vote now in our poll below.

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