‘Big Brother 20’ Spoilers: Week 8 Veto Ceremony Results

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This week’s Power of Veto meeting was held today in the Big Brother 20 house as the latest Veto winner had to decide whether or not to change up the nominations and force a new decision from the Head of Household. The results are in and we have this week’s final nominees.

Scottie put his plan on a hard push with Faysal to get Haleigh renom’d then switched to trying for Sam to be his Blockmate, but neither plan worked. Not that it would have probably mattered anyway except now Faysal doesn’t have anyone that mad at him for the renom pick.

Power of Veto Ceremony Spoilers – Week 8

  • Brett decided to use the Veto
  • Brett was saved
  • Kaycee was renom’d
  • Kaycee & Scottie are this week’s final noms

Scottie is dunzo. He can’t get the votes to stay over Kaycee but it wasn’t like Sam would have been any easier for that hope. Kaycee expected this situation as well after her talks with Faysal, but this morning she told Scottie she didn’t know in advance. She did.

Sam actually thought she would have been able to sway over Faysal as well with her pitch to get Haleigh renom’d. She even offered to quit smoking in return, I mean how did that not work?! Sheesh. Sam told Tyler after the meeting that she thought she could do it but just can’t seem to play Big Brother.

Who do you think will be the next Houseguest evicted? Vote now in our poll below.

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