Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Competition Results

Power of Veto medallion on Big Brother

We’re back with our Big Brother 20 spoilers for the PoV from the Live Feeds and here are the latest results. The Veto competition is over and now we’re ready to see who could end up as this week’s final nominees for the next eviction this season.

This was a big one for Tyler as the Hacker’s renom’d target. He was blindsided by that move after thinking he was good with everyone so the pressure was on for him or one of his close allies to get the win and save Tyler from the Block.

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Week 6 Veto Competition Results:

  • Angela won the Power of Veto!

Playing today was Angela (HOH) along with noms RS and Tyler, the Hacker’s renom. The Hacker (Haleigh) picked Kaycee to compete. Scottie and Brett were drawn to play. This was a pretty good draw for Tyler’s chances, but apparently not good enough for him to win.

Leaker Vegas announced this was a ball balancing competition so we’ll have to see how this was tweaked, but it also sounds like players had the chance at prizes and punishments. Angela says she gave up $5K to trade Scottie forthe Veto. Scottie got the cash prize for himself.

So what’s the plan? Watch for Angela to save Tyler and renom Bayleigh in his spot. I wonder if she’ll regret snapping at JC over those pita chips later. She’ll go out the door at least 4-3 on Thursday if she goes up. Let’s see what happens next!

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