We’re back with our Big Brother 20 spoilers for the PoV from the Live Feeds and here are the latest results. The Veto competition is over and now we’re ready to see who could end up as this week’s final nominees for the next eviction this season.
Players were picked and revealed Swaggy would be left vulnerable to Kaitlyn’s secret Backdoor Plan. He was watching from the sidelines as Faysal, Rachel, and Tyler took on Kaitlyn and her nominees, Scottie and Winston, for the chance to change up this week’s nominees.
Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Week 2 Veto Competition Results:
- Tyler won the Power of Veto!
Sounds like this was an individual performance competition and given that Feeds were down for over five hours that sounds about right. We’ll have to wait and see everyone’s times to see if this was a close one or not. Wait, Rachel just said she was only seconds behind Tyler.
Gallery: HGs React To Veto Competition
Well you know Tyler is going to use the Veto and when he does Kaitlyn is going to renom Swaggy, unless something major happens between now and Monday. Yep, Tyler just said he’ll save Scottie with the Veto since Winston is already on their side and this could draw Scottie over. Hmm, smart plan, but it does add the chance of another vote to keep Swaggy.
Kaitlyn’s BD plan remains on at this point, but who never know who could upset her next and draw her fire. What do you think of these results? Happy that Tyler won or should he have let someone else take this?
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