‘Big Brother 20’ Spoilers: Week 2 Veto Comp Players Picked

Swaggy and Faysal on BB20

Veto players have been picked for Week 2 of Big Brother 20 and we’ve got the spoilers on what that means for Kaitlyn’s plans to Backdoor Swaggy.

Update: Veto results are in! Find out who won the Veto this week.

Already set to play in today’s competition, if they can still pull it off in the incredible heat in Burbank on Saturday, will feature Kaitlyn as HOH plus her nominees Scottie and Winston. Three more players were drawn to join the fray.

A true Backdoor means the target doesn’t even play in the Veto comp and Kaitlyn lucked out on that front. Yes, Swaggy was passed over here and that puts him in a good bit of danger.

Week 2 Power of Veto Players Picked:

  • Faysal
  • Rachel
  • Tyler

Rachel and Tyler will obviously use the Veto if they win it because they’re in on Kaitlyn’s BD plan and of course both the noms would save themselves. That leaves Faysal as Swaggy’s best hope.

Faysal won last week and knew to keep the noms the same so Bayleigh didn’t go up. Would he do that again this week to protect Swaggy? It gets trickier for both Faysal and Swaggy because they’re expecting Angela to be the renom, per Kaitlyn’s deception. Faysal could win this and use it on Scottie thinking Angela is going up only to see Swaggy hit the Block instead.

Angie was selected by Kaitlyn to host the competition leaving Swaggy completely out of the mix. Although it’s probably worse to go back and realize you overlooked your potential game funeral.

We’ll be watching and waiting for the Veto spoilers later today (hopefully it still happens today) and when those come in we’ll know more about Swaggy’s chances of dodging the Block and staying to compete another week on Big Brother 20.

What do you want to see happen in today’s company? Are you rooting for Faysal or any of the other five players that will likely lead to Swaggy’s renom and potential Backdoor?



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