Veto Day delivered on the Big Brother 20 Feeds as HGs prepared for the next step in their Backdoor plan. By the end of the night things looked settled on what would happen next and who would be this week’s final nominees and the big target.
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Big Brother 20 Live Feed Highlights ā Saturday, July 7, 2018:
9:20 AM BBT – HGs got their wake up call.
9:50 AM BBT – Sam is leading the breakfast cooking.
10:50 AM BBT – Veto players were picked. Bayleigh is glad she didn’t get picked. Faysal arrives and the group celebrates his inclusion in the comp.
11:50 AM BBT – Kaycee, JC, & Rachel studying dates and events.
12:25 PM BBT – Tyler and Kaitlyn discussing the week’s plan. She wants to know if he has the Power App, but he denies it. Kaitlyn comments that the way she’s playing the game is totally different than how she lives her life. She’d never lie to people like she does in this game.
12:30 PM BBT – Kaitlyn tells Tyler she trusts him but doesn’t trust Faysal.
12:45 PM BBT – Kaitlyn warns Faysal not to win another Veto or it’ll make a big target out of him.
12:50 PM BBT – Swaggy camtalks that Faysal shouldn’t win the Veto because it could put a huge target on his back. He wants to win HOH and put Kaitlyn up.
1:00 PM BBT – Scottie tells Faysal to play hard for the Veto because he wants to compete against people trying hard.
2:20 PM BBT – Swaggy is angry that he didn’t get the Power App and curses America saying he doesn’t want it next week even if they try to give it to him.
2:25 PM BBT – Tyler tells Scottie he’s going to be okay this week.
2:30 PM BBT – Feeds cut for the Veto comp.
7:40 PM BBT – Feeds are back. Tyler is wearing the medallion.
7:45 PM BBT – Tyler spoke with Rachel that he wants to save Scottie since Winston is already on their side. He’s gotta check the votes first to make sure Scottie being free to vote to keep Swaggy won’t mess them up.
7:50 PM BBT – Tyler brings up this plan to Kaitlyn and she agrees with the idea to save Scottie.
7:55 PM BBT – Kaitlyn asks if this is wrong of her to betray her alliance. She wonders if she could go back to them and they’d take her instead of alienating them permanently with this move (BD’ing Swaggy). Tyler is talking her down from changing course. She says she’s still gonna do it but is just a little worried about how they’ll react.
8:15 PM BBT – Faysal comes up to the HOH room. Kaitlyn tells him that Jess and Cody hate the two of them because Cody was cold to her when she tried to say goodbye.
8:20 PM BBT – Faysal promises to have Kaitlyn’s back no matter what happens in the game. She asks if that even means if she does something he doesn’t like. He promises her it’d be okay and they’d move on in the game together.
8:27 PM BBT – Faysal starts talking in code to Kaitlyn. He’s discussing having sex with her after the season is over and using amusement park rides in place of sex. He says it’ll be so intense that she’ll have to stop. Kaitlyn seems oblivious and asks if the operators would really stop the ride if she needed them to. Faysal tries again and likens his genitals to a roller coaster and says she might be scared of it when she sees it up close.
8:30 PM BBT – Swaggy wants to target Tyler or Brett next week if he wins HOH. Bayleigh warns Swaggy they need to be wary of Tyler getting in Kaitlyn’s ear and getting him (Swaggy) renom’d.
8:35 PM BBT – Bayleigh says Cody was friendly to her so that means America must like them.
8:45 PM BBT – Winston tells Brett he’s going to be nervous if Scottie gets saved and he stays on the Block.
8:50 PM BBT – Kaitlyn says she’s breaking up her old alliance with this but faults Swaggy as breaking it up first by not trusting her more.
9:20 PM BBT – Kaitlyn asks JC and Rachel to bring her all the dirt they can on what Swaggy has done or said about her so she has more justification for the move.
9:25 PM BBT – Faysal, Bayleigh, and Swaggy discuss the Veto. They don’t think Tyler will use it because it’ll put a target on his back. Swaggy wants Tyler to use it for that reason. Bayleigh says that even if Tyler does use it then they have the votes. Swaggy points out that they thought that last week too.
9:35 PM BBT – Angie and Faysal share their dislike and distrust of Tyler. Angie says Tyler is riding Kaitlyn and trying to get info to take back to Kaitlyn to use against them.
9:40 PM BBT – Faysal says if they can get Tyler out then Kaitlyn will definitely be with them.
10:05 PM BBT – Winston learns that Scottie will be saved and that’s stressing him out. Kaitlyn promises Winston he’s definitely going to be safe.
10:30 PM BBT – Winston goes to Angela and Rachel complaining that it’s too risky to leave him up there and to save Scottie instead. The ladies tell him it makes the plan too obvious if Winston comes down.
10:35 PM BBT – Tyler confirms to Brett he’s planning to save Scottie in an effort to bring him over to their side.
10:50 PM BBT – Tyler talks with Scottie about using the power on him and tries to see if Scottie has the power app, but he says he doesn’t.
11:35 PM BBT – Angie, Haleigh, and Bayleigh complain about Kaitlyn and how she isn’t trying to be friends with them. Bayleigh suggests Kaitlyn just craves male attention more than being concerned with her female friends.
11:40 PM BBT – Brett explains the plan to Winston and why it makes sense so Scottie is more inclined to join them after this week.
11:45 PM BBT – Haleigh says she wants Kaitlyn gone first out of people on their side. Angie questions if that means she wants the other side to win power and take a shot at Kaitlyn.
12:05 AM BBT – Winston continues to freak out about staying on the Block. He wants Scottie up next to Chris so they can figure out if one of them has the power. He doesn’t like this idea of putting his own game in danger just to entice Scottie. Winston questions his alliance. Brett tries to talk him down.
1:00 AM BBT – Brett talks with Kaitlyn in the HOH room and tries to convince her to keep Scottie on the Block next to Swaggy so they can find out about the power app. Kaitlyn says she wants to befriend Scottie and make him safe.
1:10 AM BBT – Kaitlyn asks the Bros to keep Faysal safe and promises he’ll vote with her to evict Swaggy.
1:25 AM BBT – Rachel tells Angela that if something goes wrong with this plan then it wouldn’t be so bad for one of the L6 guys to go first.
2:25 AM BBT – Tyler tells Rachel he’s pretty sure Scottie doesn’t have the power app after all.
3:20 AM BBT – Sam and Swaggy are still up and chatting about life.
5:00 AM BBT – Brett and Sam are hanging out in the backyard chatting.
5:30 AM BBT – Brett grabs a shower while Sam gets ready for bed.
Sending Swaggy out will be a big move for Kaitlyn, but it’s definitely also a loss for the game. We’ll need a new big personality in his place and hopefully we’ll find it. Then again, maybe we shouldn’t write him out of the story just yet. We’re still waiting to hear who has that Power App this week.
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