We’re back with our Big Brother 20 spoilers for the PoV from the Live Feeds and here are the latest results. This was the last Veto competition of the season and its results came in before the Feeds returned as we awaited the details from what happened during the Blackout. Big news here as it will determine who is in our F3 for BB20! Read on for the spoilers.
Vegas swooped in with the results just ahead of the Feeds’ returned and really we shouldn’t be surprised by who won the Veto this week…
Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Week 12.5 Veto Competition Results:
- Kaycee won the Power of Veto!
Feeds returned and confirmed the results for both Veto and the nominations.
Wow, well that’s five out of the last six Veto comps going to her win column. That’s a great resume she’s building there but more importantly, it means she won’t be evicted this round which leaves either Tyler or Angela to be sent out the door and she has to make that choice!
Who do you think Kaycee would evict? Her secret F2 or her close ally? Yep, seems obvious, right? I’m expecting Kaycee to vote out Angela when really she should be sending Tyler out the door to better her chances at winning. At least that’s what I would do! What about you?
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