‘Big Brother 20’ Spoilers: Final HoH Round 1 Results

Head of Household comp on Big Brother

Big Brother 20 spoilers for the Final HoH endurance comp has been revealed with results on who won the first round tonight. That HG will have a seat in the third round which probably means a spot to stand on during the finale’s giant scales of Big Brother justice.

The two Houseguests who didn’t win this round will get another chance in the second round later this weekend. The winner there will face off against tonight’s champ to secure a spot in the F2 and pick who will be coming along for the ride.

So who won the first round of the Final Big Brother HoH comps? Read on for the spoilers & details.

Big Brother 20 Spoilers: Final HoH – Round 1:

  • Tyler won Round 1
  • Kaycee & JC will compete in Round 2
  • Tyler will face off against R2 winner in Round 3

Hard to say this is a big surprise to see Tyler win but I’d also be interested in seeing on the episode whether or not there was a coordinated effort for Kaycee to take a dive so Tyler could win this one. The pair had talked about having a plan or a head nod to let the other know it was time to go after JC was out. Wait, we have our answer on that.

Later after the comp and while JC was in the shower, Flashback to 1:05AM BBT 9/21 Cams 1/2, Kaycee and Tyler discussed how Kaycee tried to let Tyler know he should drop from the comp but he said he didn’t register her message. Yeah, or he wasn’t willing. Tyler noted how he could have stayed up there a lot longer. Either way, they’re feeling confident that Kaycee could take JC in the mental challenge. Considering how well we saw her do in that ball challenge and the comp names during Thursday’s episode alone it’s clear that she’s strong on both fronts. JC better be ready!

There are no more nominations or Veto comps. We’re down to the last rounds of the season’s Final HoH. We’ll be awaiting Round 2’s results later this weekend and you’ll get those results from us as soon as it happens. Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.



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