Who is your favorite HG on Big Brother 20? Now is the time to make your pick so find out how to vote for America’s Favorite Houseguest and help to reward one of them with a $25,000 bonus!
Voting is now open here on CBS.com and you’ve got 10 votes split up however you want every day until Wednesday, Sept 26th at 9AM PT. That’s finale morning! Ready to pick who you want to win that extra prize money?
Vote for any and all of the sixteen Houseguests this season and according to our interview with EP Allison Grodner, all of the HGs are eligible to win. If that’s the case and Tyler manages to win Big Brother 20 then he seems a heavy favorite to also pull the AFP title this season. We could have our first season winner and AFP winner in one.
Even though Tyler has been dominating our weekly popularity polls this really is still open to anyone at all winning so don’t give up on your favorites!
While we wait for the official results be sure to come back here and vote each day in our poll too! Make your pick below now and then tell us why you’re voting that HG to win America’s Fav.